I have several days on my Job225 now and there are subtle changes taking place. I am driving it with a custom handmade variable output dac with custom National semiconductor output chips that were never released, high end of the high end. The amp has really good base control, pitch and subltle harmonics from percussive instruments and I now know that I don't know what it will fully develop into it until the break in is complete. It is not dark like many high end amps, it has the speed of solid state with a sweet neutrality of unusual an intense naturalness., in other words unlike anything I've heard. Many years ago I had a handmade amp powered by a trickle dc charging system to keep ac grunge out of the signal path. There is a sophistication to the sound that sneaks up on you because at first it is not obvious. The dynamics are there but seem somewhat subdued because they don't jump out at you , it all goes into giving a balanced presentation but I hesitate to assume it is done with it's magic transformation yet. My system that started out besting the presentation of my Sennheiser HD800 headphones and is now going somewhere else, and I can't even guess where that will be. I know this all sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo and it is and isn't, I just don't know what changes will continue. It has been my contention that the majority of system distortions originates from wire interaction and the signal traveling through the wire I personally think that the signal going through my wire (that is too small to be seen with the naked eye) does something to bring linearity to the signal by physically controlling signal boundry. By controlling the path of the sine wave and restricting the path of how it gets from point a to point b and If the wire is indeed the major weak link then it follows that there is much to be learned from this concept. This is my opinion based upon observation over the last 40 years. People on other forums, scoffed and laughed at the basis for my patent, but I did receive a patent solely on the diameters of wires as small as .000249 inches in diameter. I and other people believe that the wire that I use does virtually nothing to alter the signal path, but that is my opinion and cannot be faulted by others that think there is no science to support it. It is simply my opinion. People are still judging wire based upon inductance, resistance and capacitance first identified 75 years ago. I would love to get together with other audiophiles that would like to hear what I am claiming because hearing is believing. All that we know is usually in our living rooms and speaks for what we know. I got banned from another forum for not observing forum rules and I hope that is not the case here. I have all the good intentions in the world.