What are you watching?

First Jennifer Garner:

She is certainly a pretty actress, but with a very limited range. I first saw her in “Catch Me If You Can” where she was attractive, but not convincing. She has a childish take to her that made he perfect for “13 going on 30.”

She was fine as Electra in Daredevil, where she met, fought, married and had children with Ben Affleck. First he knocks her down then he knocks her up. But she was unable to carry the movie. In fact, all super-hero movies have failed because of bad writing or an actress who cannot carry the part. (Supergirl, Catwoman and Electra.)

While she was very good in Juno, I notice she is NOT in big movies anymore, just smaller ones and often does not have a “lead” part. I think many people feel similar about her husband.
When I was watching the “Mummy Returns” and seeing all those scenes with thousands of fighters (CGI) UI started to think of the “spectaculars” of the 1950s and 1950s where they used thousands of extras. That, of course, quickly became too expensive and faded away.

So I turned on the blue ray of Ben-Hur, complete with 10 minutes of introduction and intermission music. I hadn’t seen this movie in 40 years, and NEVER on a big screen, just a small regular TV. Now that I understand that Boyd was given certain instructions on how to play his part, as a rejected gay potential lover, parts of the movie make better sense. He was told this by the director, Heston was not.

The movie is a bit corny if you are NOT religiously compelled by it and was interesting to watch. The Chariot race, made before CGI, is still great, but loses some impact because, frankly, we can visually do better these days. It was easy to see the blue screen parts and such, but it was fun.

The picture was fine but the sound is not great compared to the next two movies I saw.

The Life of Pi: A better movie than I expect, it is about a boy who survives a shipwreck and is left 277 in a lifeboat.

The 3D was some of the bet I ever saw and the surround sound was just incredible. I often say that good movies are always too short and bad ones were alays too long. But this was a good movie that could have been 15 shorter for me. I enjoyed the Rashomen and it was a good experience.
Iron Man tony stark.jpg
I fully reviewed Iron Man III at
Barry's Pearls of Comic Book Wisdom: Iron Man III: A Review and a Look back at the Comic, the Commies and the Mandarin

On second viewing, The movie is fine until last half hour where common sense leaves and CGI takes over. But a fun ride nevertheless.

-> A 1974 flick (recorded in Mono, and also reproduced in original Mono audio: LPCM), about a realistic relationship between a man and a woman.
Starring 'Columbo' Peter Falk as one of the two main culprits.

Please don't watch this alone, but preferably with your better half (and no kids in the room).
Not for everyone (sensitive people who are easily affected by tumultuous exchanges between a couple).
well, it was a quiet night so i went to my bedroom Home Theatre and saw "This is Forty." it should be titled "This is Awful." It had grat potential and starts off very adult and potentially funny. But it ends up like a TV sitcom, with a similar structure to the movie "Parenthood" when everything, inexplicably, comes together at he end.

* Filmed in 1977, and starring again Ben Gazzara, and John Cassavetes, the director himself is acting in it too.
{This was the last one from my boxset, and the most disturbing one too.}

...Only people from a higher learning of level caliber can watch in full security. ...It is truly that disturbing!
...Good thing it's only a film. ;)