Barry, I'll be applying for my pension in 2015 (first quarter).
'The Mummy Returns'? ...Kid's stuff.

Rachel Weitz; I like her, not in love with her but I like her.
Jennifer Garner? ...Anything and everything she's in I stay away of.
...So I really doubt that I ever saw
'The Odd Life Of'
'Top Gun'? ...What's that? ...Any good?

...I only like the intro: the jet's take-off from the jet carrier ship. ...The rest is of no importance to me, now at my age, and even when younger because they made a big deal of it in playing it everywhere and all the time where they were selling large screen TVs and surround sound systems. ...I got sick of it!
Tom Cruise; weird guy, and not a good actor. ...But rich!
'T2 - Judgement Day'? ...Not bad at all back then (
Cameron & Arnold), but lost its sex appeal now.
...That was in the prehistoric age of cinema effect. ...Similar to
'Poltergeist' (
>>> Got everything on Blu, except
Jennifer Garner's flick mentioned just above.
Last night I re-watched (few times now) this Blu-ray flick; @ 3D ::: (Baz Luhrmann & Leonardo):
* And I disagree with most movie reviewers; for me this is real scale cinema! ...Amazing pictures! ...Colors! ...Music! ...And all that jazz.