Lumin Network Audiophile Music Player


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
The Lumin Network Audiophile Music Player arrived today. The good folks at Lumin are letting me review and enjoy this wonderful new product. I hope to have a review done in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned....

Oh....and I promise proper/better quality pictures for the review!


This is one I am definitely looking forward too!

What a sharp-looking player.
Nice. Let's hope it's easier to set up and use than the CAPS player. :) It will probably take a few months of heavy use to get it broken in right. You should plan on keeping it for a good long time.
I believe this unit is brand new. I will confirm. Regardless, it will need some burn in.
Well, I was able to get the Lumin up and running pretty quickly, but to be honest, I went through a similar process with the Marantz NA11S1.

Briefly, I have a Synology 1812+ NAS. Lumin recommends either Synology or QNAP.

Beyond the usual connections, the first step is to install Java on your NAS.
Second step is to install MiniMServer on your NAS.
(These two steps took be about 2 days to figure out before.)
.....NOW, here is the big step: WAIT! For my collection, it was several hours.
Once your collection has been properly catalogued, you are good to go.

Launch the Lumin iPad app and enjoy.

The app is quite a delight to use and absolutely seamless switching between redbook rips, DSD and high res tracks.

Sonically? I don't want to spoil the review, but first impressions are very good. Smooth, without the typical digital edge and hyper detail. Everything just seems quieter too. One of the benefits of a streamer? Perhaps.

Obviously I have a lot more listening to do.
This is an interesting piece. Mike and I exchanged messages earlier this week on it. I never heard of it until this week. Interestingly, Audiostream has a very positive review of it on their site.

Look forward to Mike's comments.
Mike - do you have that link to the review?

Yes, very positive so far. I was curious how firmware updates were handled, well, I got my answer this morning. On the Lumin app, up pops a message to upgrade the firmware of the Lumin from 4.1 to 4.2. Easy. I like easy!

It's pretty much like how others have said: setup is a PITA and is time consuming. You have to go slow and read. But once it's setup, it's smooth sailing (so far for me).

I can tell you right away one thing it does better than the Meitner and that is switching between song file types (redbook, high res, DSD). The Lumin truly is "gapless". The Meitner always had a 3 or 4 second gap where the music was playing, but the DAC was switching types. It meant that the new song you wanted to hear started at the 5 second mark. If it was the same type (FLAC redbook to FLAC redbook), it was fine. But anything different and you got the delay which was annoying. The Lumin is fast and seamless.

Very nice to hear. Somtimes, the little things add up.

Mike, have you been running signal through the Lumin nonstop since getting it set up in your system?
Very nice to hear. Somtimes, the little things add up.

Mike, have you been running signal through the Lumin nonstop since getting it set up in your system?

Yes. I picked a bunch of albums and put then on repeat and let them play.

I think Mark, Jock and the Europeans might have been right all along. It is a sheer joy to have no darn computer in the chain. Backgrounds are much much quieter. PRAT is better (could all those connections and extra steps associated with a DAC actually produce a sluggish sound?). Gone is the digital "hash" associated with recordings. Much more musical than the Meitner. I've done some AB against the Meitner. I'm done with that. Now the Lumin is taking on my vinyl.

Like the Klimax, the Lumin is heavy for its size. Setup is a major PITA, but once setup, it just works. No viruses to worry about and no more PC.

Downsides? Add a new CD or high res download and you have to click "refresh library" on the Lumin app and click refresh Minimserver using minimwatch. Takes two seconds, but I'm lazy. Also, since the meta data of your library loads locally for the first time you setup the Lumin, big libraries are slow to load (first time only) on older iPads like mine. Once the first load is done, you're good to go. According to the manufacturer in an email to me last night, first time loading on the iPad Air, is much much faster.

Oh and the Lumin app is terrific. There are others you can use, but why? The Lumin app is easy to use, has loads of functionality and it just plain works. Now I see why some of the Linn faithful are using the Lumin app.

Trying to describe the Lumin sound will be the most difficult. Analog sounding? Oh yeah. More listening....
Wow, that is fantastic news to hear about the Lumin. Looking forward to more of your thoughts as you put in more time, Mike.
Downsides? Add a new CD or high res download and you have to click "refresh library" on the Lumin app and click refresh Minimserver using minimwatch. Takes two seconds, but I'm lazy. Also, since the meta data of your library loads locally for the first time you setup the Lumin, big libraries are slow to load (first time only) on older iPads like mine. Once the first load is done, you're good to go. According to the manufacturer in an email to me last night, first time loading on the iPad Air, is much much faster.
Hi Mike,
First of all I am glad your like your Lumin.
I think the order is the other way around: first refresh MinimServer by using the MinimWatch function and then let the iPad do the refresh. If you don't like this you can use Twonky instead of Minim. Twonky automatically refreshes when new content is added. And I think that the app on the iPad automatically starts refreshing when you start it up.
Loading my over 2300 albums FLAC collection on the iPad mini or big iPad costs less than 5 minutes.
