JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Still says Cincinnati... them bastards :D.... got the new Wireworld XLR cable today to go from the Teac to the Mc, now need the amp to complete the ensemble...
Unless the plane flies over my house and drops it in I can't see it happening. :) Looks like it sat in customs yesterday and is listed as leaving Cincinnati this morning :D... hehe it is pretty amazing how you can track it around the world.

This is so funny.... I just checked, expecting nothing, and low and behold, listed as being in LA. I would still be surprised if they get it to me today :D...
Yes you did indeed!!! Come on DHL ... drive fast from LA :D.... (actually working so can't just install it now anyway if it arrives)... but :D...
Well here it is after 9 PM and it has not been delivered although they still have it listed as out for delivery :)...
The thing is this... if they just said being delivered tomorrow, no problem... but when at 10 AM they switched it to being delivered today by end of day I was like cool. Now here it is at 9:45 PM and no delivery.

I am one of those people who when I say something you can take it to the bank. When I say I am going to do something, come hell or high water I do it. So the thing that makes me more angry is that DHL has our phone number. Goldmund even sent an e-mail to verify this. They will not ship without it. So if they were not going to make it today they could have called.

I do not blame Goldmund other than they use DHL. But I am definitely angry at DHL.

They still have it listed:

Scheduled Delivery:
Today by End of Day

Tell me that doesn't piss ya off.
Another consideration, from a lot of research and reading it sounds a little like the JOB amplifier is not the best match with a tube pre-amp. I may be reading a bit into it but that is the general feeling I am getting.

Every system, room, and listener is different, so there are no universals here - ie, YMMV - BUT, I am using the 225 with a Modwright tube preamp and the system sounds simply amazing. Some attention must be paid to the overall gain structure of the system, but that's not too difficult to address. In my case, I inserted an LDR attenuator at the inputs of the Job amp to reduce the signal going in. This had the benefit of reducing the gain to where I needed it to be AND reduced the noise floor of my system. Reduction is really not the right word, as the noise floor was nearly eliminated entirely. I can just barely hear the faintest hash with my ear pressed right up against the tweeter. Even from a few inches away, the system is utterly silent. I absolutely LOVE the combination of the Job amp and Modwright preamp, so would not write off tube preamps entirely. If the gain is <12 db or so, and your speakers aren't horn sensitive, you will likely be fine. If you find there's too much gain, there are still options, like attenuators at the inputs of the 225. I can personally attest to the transparency of the LDR based units, as I have found no sonic penalty from their introduction.

Sorry to hear of the non delivery and you are right. It's so frustrating. Sometimes the local delivery guys do not cooperate and do what they want. I am fortunate in that I have had very few missteps with deliveries. Look on the bright side, TODAY IS THE DAY!


Thank you so much for the update. So happy you are loving the system. I still want the Job monos. Job kills a lot of gear and sounds terrific.
Thanks Joe... I dropped a quick line to Goldmund last evening letting them know about the non-performance on DHL. I told them I do not expect anything on their end but just wanted them to know that DHL put a soar note on the excitement of getting their new amplifier.

I already received a very nice reply from them:
"Dear Randy,

so sorry you waited for nothing :-(

You are completely right they should have called you this is what the phone number is for...

I think there is not much we can do at this stage except notify them that they have to warn you if they know they are going to be delayed. Hope you will get it on December 24th still.


Best Regards.

JOB Electronics. "

I wish DHL had the same integrity.

srosenberg, The McIntosh has a trim feature that should be able to perform a similar function as the attenuator that you are using. Hopefully I will get to try it out later today!
Hi Randy,

I hope you receive it today. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on the amp, once you have it up and running.

Best of luck,
Thanks Ken,

I actually just received an e-mail from DHL stating that it is out for delivery. Too bad they said that yesterday also :)... I look forward to giving it a good listen and reporting back also :D.

Ok, so I now have received 4 e-mails.... YES FOUR, from DHL saying that the amp is out for delivery ... think they will deliver it today :D....
It just arrived! About a half hour ago. I already had all the wiring in place so not a big issue. The hardest part was hooking in the REL.

I got to go help wife with stuff.... grrrrr.... on a quick listen it sounds pretty darn good. Have not had a chance to really listen and it obviously needs some break in time.

Probably the most amazing packaging I have ever seen, even better than McIntosh.

The gain is a tad high, not a lot, but I will probably trim the McIntosh down just a little to give a little more control.

One thing I already noticed is listening to Cat Stevens, my all time test album... I can hear the individual guitar strings being plucked better than I ever remember hearing them before.

Anyway, will listen more later :(....