JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Yup, you will love it and if you need more power later, the monos have the same sonic signature...just more power and even more grip.
Well gonna listen a little bit (finally). Obvious many hours for break in.... but on first real listen, very clean, a lot of subtle background clarity... very smooth, open... me thinks I am gonna enjoy this little amp. So far, like only a few minutes in... what a sound stage... can't even imagine when this little killer gets broken in.

I trimmed the McIntosh -5 db. Now plenty of control at low to medium volume.
I am sure it will take less than 200 hours, by 100 you should be good to go. I don't remember on mine. Replacing the fuse with an audiophile one would help a little too. AC cords will change the sound a little.
Yea, I just could not swing the extra $300 for a sweetcord now... maybe later....

There's no rush, just enjoy the amp. It's really surprising how much air, sweetness, 3D and smooth detail it delivers.

I didn't notice that much of a difference after "break-in" with the Job like with other amps. As to the power cord I tried at least a half dozen brands and the biggest improvements were with the Blue Circle power cord and the "reasonably" priced one from Cullen Cable in California. Ones from Wireworld, LAT, Voodoo and Audio Magic all sounded about the same. Just leave the amp powered on for about a week and you will be good to go. If the Mc's gain can be dropped down more you might want to get it where your volume "sweet spot" is about 11 o'clock. With the right speaker combo a "great" amp. Congrats and enjoy your amp and the holidays.
Thanks... so far I am loving it. The McIntosh does not have a conventional volume control. It is digital. With the McIntosh internal amp I would usually listen at about 40-44 tops... I have the gain set down to -6 db and so far 38-40 is about as loud as I would want... normal listening is about 32-34, evening listening is high 20s to low 30s. Then again I am not a loud listener any more.

I am also learning the amp and it's capabilities. It seems to be very dynamic, so getting used to it.
All new photos!!!

That will probably be my next add on. For now loving the setup. I did get nice connection cords throughout for all the interconnects!
Beautiful photos and setup Randy! Well done!

I anoint you as truly one of us.

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Cogratulations Randy! Nice pics! Merry Christmas everyone.
I still haven't made up my mind yet, I'm unable to reach a decision without full Srajan's review of JOB INT. I'm torn between the INT, 225, and Gato Audio... :(