JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Joe, I'm just happy I had the opportunity to give it a try. A reminder that you really do have to try things yourself, every combination is unique. I put my dragons back in and those never fail to draw me in.

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As all of the Job 225 owners are aware the 4ohm ratings of the Job 225 are not published so, I sent an email to Jobsys to inquire about the performance at 4 ohm. The response is helpful:

<<Dear Michael,

The amp will be stable at 4 ohm.

We do not know the exact power output as we did not measure it at 4 ohm. Theoretically the power is doubled.

Hope to have been able to help you a little bit.


Best Regards.

JOB Electronics. >>
Well the little amp has come and gone. I received it last Thursday and of course put it in the system that evening and listened as long as I could. I wasn't able to get any time on Friday but had quite a bit of time on Saturday. Unfortunately it was not a good fit with my setup. I can see why a lot of folks love it but in my setup it was fatiguing. Not entirely sure why but ultimately I kept wanting to turn it down and finally just shut it off. The demo amp I had has been in use for several months, so certainly broken in.

Like all amps, it's never just the amp, it's a system. A now departed amp designer once told me he believed the biggest factor in determining how an amp sounded was how bad it misbehaved with a the reactive load of a loudspeaker vs a benign resistive load on a test bench. I didn't fully agree with him but I do believe it has a lot to do with the end result. I've no doubt that the Job is superb with many systems, too many folks like the results for it to be otherwise but with my speaker/crossover setup it wasn't a good match. I didn't have any noise or other problems, just not a good match for the system and my tastes. FWIW my speakers are large two ways using a JBL 2226 15" mid-woofer with a Beyma TPL-150H Air Motion Transformer as the tweeter, about 97dB sensitive.

I'd also add that it's down to what you're looking for in a system as well.

I think the Job amp is a great example of what SS can do (especially for the price), but since I am a former tube guy, my tastes lie somewhere in between typical SS and tube flavors. I think that's why the Pass gear suits me, whereas it may not for someone else. Nothing wrong with that!
I'd also add that it's down to what you're looking for in a system as well.

I think the Job amp is a great example of what SS can do (especially for the price), but since I am a former tube guy, my tastes lie somewhere in between typical SS and tube flavors. I think that's why the Pass gear suits me, whereas it may not for someone else. Nothing wrong with that!

Hi Wilson nothing wrong with being a tube guy the problem is if you have demanding speakers and you are not RICH you are better off with solid state because high powered tube amps cost lots of money in MAINTENANCE good tubes are expensive and with hungry speakers RETUBING come's pretty quick, with my Acoustat 1+1s ( 81db ) retubing after 10 months sorry but BACK to solid state for me.
as my amp begins to settle in, only problem is the variable output on my dac has to be turned pretty high to get the right gain. The Job 225 is very elegant in its delivery, the bass control is something i've never experienced on this level before, I read about this characteristic but it must be experienced to understand , it is very subtle with lots of detail and great body, it has great style to which I am not accustomed to
I enjoyed reading the Swiss Cables review and replied to you directly.
Interestingly enough the cable that I have has the same effect (beneficial) to
a video signal, electrical sine wave, digital signal, and AC current.
I posted this in a separate thread on preamps with the Job, but just thought I'll drop in to report that the volume control on the B.M.C. PureDAC works very well with the Job.

Does anyone else find that the Job is quite sensitive to support and placement ? I thought it sounded a bit dark and lacking in high frequency extension. I then put it on a trio of Franc Audio Ceramic Disc footers, I got a very significant improvement in focus, and air.
I am wondering how Job in your experience pairs with detailed and transparent cables (both speaker and RCA ICs).

I have warm speakers and have to buy cables for the combo. Would transparent and detailed cables work or am I risking getting into hyper-detail, bright or harsh sound?

What is your experience?

Dave, I forwarded you offer/email addy to a buddy who was asking around for one...

Here is email feedback I just got regarding the sweetcord:

J. stopped by today to audition his new Sweetcord powering the JOB 225 he let me borrow. Words seldom fail me, but describing the dramatic improvement rendered by one Sweetcord would be impossible. I can simply describe the experience as " OMG" and assume you catch my drift. Absolutely remarkable - the best I've ever heard, and by a wide margin. Wow!
Thanks Wisnon for forwarding.
That is why I would like to include the Sweetcord with the amp as it really does lift it to another level. Great stuff!
Welcome Gary!

You cant do PMs until you have minuimum 10 posts, so best to email GuitarDave to negotiate the transaction...