JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

I might add that my system has an almost identical sonic signature to state of the art head phones, in resolution and speed and not counting sound staging which everyone likes to use to distinguish sound but in fact has nothing to do with the absolute detail and sonic characteristics of a recording. At this moment the speed of my system is almost unfathomable with the 4/2" drivers that have a frequency response of 130 hz to 25k without a crossover. The absolute detail in a recording represents everything, sonic decay of the instruments in the acoustical space above a performer where you can break down the notes into the initial attack, then harmonics of the note and then the decay as separate entities. I have two 8" side firing woofers carrying the bottom. My speaker drivers are actually smaller than the 56mm drivers in my headphones. There is no substitute for speed. mid woofer drivers crossed over at 2-4khz I don't believe can compete with the best small super fast drivers. The name I chose for this forum is Bandor , named after Doreen Bance who was married to Ted Jordan, both developing single full range drivers with the divorced couple Bandor, a combination of BANce and JORdan and as I last looked the Bandor website is no more. I did purchase 10 backup
50mm drivers so I can keep my system intact until I'm forced ,if I live long enough, to get speakers from my friend Joachim Gerhard of original audio physics fame and master speaker builder.
Well, if its speed you are talking about, see Northstar's nthread named Secrets!

Heil AMT drivers, LMT drivers, Raido ultralight ribbon, Manger bending wave drivers and Lineaum (sp?) were all cited.
my dac has a variable output but it is lacking ever so slightly in gain to my Job225. What is the most discreet and transparent way to increase it ever so slightly, don't want to do the preamplifier thing because I think they ALL------ can---- or may--- degrade the sound. I am looking for something very discreet, something to put in the signal path to increase the gain to my job????
Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on this. My first testing on preamps 30 years ago found the first big degradation came from the cable and preamp. I have cable that will do virtually nothing to the signal path so that is not an issue. If there was a teeny tiny device that could be inserted after the dac that would provide a hint of gain I would be happy, I am close, so very close and the amp is improving in small increments daily

How about the iFI Audio, iTUBE buffer? Here is a link, ifitube_buffer
Well, I guess any amp that has a 65 page thread is one I have to hear for myself! I ordered one yesterday, and I got my notice it shipped today. I am anxious to hear this guy...
I will be pairing it with an ARC Ref5se.
About how long a trip is it from Geneva via DHL?
Welcome Guitardave!

Thank you for joining and Congratulations.

The amp is great. The only issue is it has very high gain. You will be hardly turning up the volume on the preamp to make it play so be careful. The Job only has RCA inputs. You should see it in a few days. Once the order got processed, I received mine overnight.
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can too small a power cable constrict the volume on this amp? I am not seeing anywhere near enough gain at this time. anybody have any suggestions. I have a custom variable dac with what I though was a huge output but with the Job it doesn't seem like it. Can the lack of adequate AC cause volume issues.
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Hi Keith,

I can not imagine the AC cable "restricting" the volume. Do you know how many volts your DAC puts out? Maybe the choice of cable could affect the sound.
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Joe, I have deleted the post because I don't want to cause any problems, you have been very cordial and I offer an invitation to anyone (limitations) who would like to hear my system.
I'm going to have to think about this. I certainly believe you but I am at a loss as to how to proceed.
For many years, visitors usually take about 20 minutes for their brains to catch up to what they are hearing, I invite a forum member as a guest to bring over their favorite demo disc, that is the only way to understand it, in all humility.
BANDOR, I do hear your pain.
A system consist of many components, and sometimes they are not 100% compatible even though each one of them is really good. Also we are all individuals, my sound may please some but not others.
Trust your ears not any measurement equipment….ears is what you listen with.
My system did not work at all until I've got my ( Room Correction / DAC ) DSPeaker, however my room is a horror when it comes to acoustics.
Dacades ago when I was really into high-end HiFi, I had a very simple Sony Receiver that I used as a reference for my preferred sound. It did not have "any guts or glory" just sounding pleasant and sweet. Many $$$ Amplifiers came to shame…
I was so frustrated when I did not get my JOB225 and Gallo Refence 3.5's working that I started a thread named "Is high-end equipment really that superior…"
Hello All, I just purchased a "new to me" Job 225, new in sept 2013. I am very excited about the possibilities. I will pair it with an Oppo BDP-105 and use the variable output for the 105. Does anyone have experience with this setup? My goal for this system is "simple hifi": fewer boxes, fewer cables, etc. After 65 pages of goodness, I summarize the most common question as, "what preamp?"
The mix so far: Mojo Audio Mac Mini, AQ coffee USB to Oppo BDP-105, Bogdan Ghost Eichmann RCA to Job 225, AQ Oak speaker cable to, Fritz Carbon 7 SE (not yet released, updated 7" and Illuminator soft dome air circ tweeter).

All the stuff will be here next Saturday and I'll know then but my anticipation is throttling me :exciting:
Welcome mb8!

Thank you for joining. Congratulations on the new to you Job 225. Direct from the Oppo should be fine to start. I would suggest a passive preamp if possible. Where are you located?
I'm in New Mexico. Does a passive preamp improve the sound or is only for additional inputs? I am going to only have a single input from the Oppo (which I'd like to have the Modwright treatment). I read that the 32 bit Sabre DAC volume attenuation has more than enough capacity to spare and not compress the music (or lose bits). It would be great to wait for the Job Preamp if at all possible since it is such a unique gain level. Two preamps that I am interested in are the CJ ET3se or the Bel Canto 2.5. If I depart from a straight connection to the source, I will be looking for a turntable hookup.

I read you liked you GAT hookup, any chance you have experience with the "baby GAT" or phono?

Thanks, happy to have found you guys! I am so curious about this amp but the "high gain" topic is a little beyond my techical experience so I am struggling with the preamp topic.
Hi mg8,

We are happy you found us too. The only reason that I mention passive is because the Job 225 requires only about .7 volts to reach full volume whereas other amps require twice that to reach full volume. All this means is that a very small change in output makes a bigger change in volume. You will have to basically turn up the volume on the Oppo a small amount. IT's not necessarily a bad thing. Just be careful. I love what my GAT does for the sound but I am using a very small volume range on the preamp.
Thanks, I'll check it out. Based on your description, I could estimate that ~50% of the volume level would be equivalent to 100%. This is probably not a perfect description as the volume control algorithm is a log scale.
Welcome MG8.

I own the CJ ET3SE and just ordered a Job 225 last Saturday. I will let you know how the combination turns out, but I would be a bit wary of noise as the CJ is a high gain design to begin with. Paired with the CJ Classic 60 SE (0.7V required for full power), it can be a struggle to find tubes that are quiet enough. My speakers are 90db sensitivity, and you may be able to get away with it using a lower sensitivity speaker.

I am not in favour of using the 32 bit volume control on the Sabre. My main DAC, the Calyx Femto offers the same feature, and yes, you will not lose any bits (provided your attenuation is not too aggressive), but I found the sound to be a bit dry and clinical. When the Job arrives, I will also try them with an old passive pre (based on an Alps Black Beauty pot) I have lying around, as well as driven directly by a BMC Pure Audio DAC or Antelope Zodiac Gold, both of which have good volume control sections.
Thanks! I will stand by for your comments. I do think the Sabre is a little on the dry and analytical side. Your comments are right on target with my thoughts. I think a SS preamp might be the "less fussy" route but I do miss my tube system. I hear good things about the BMC pure DAC but no personal experiences. The research continues - thank you for your wisdom.

I tried a SS and two tube preamps and still had very little movement on the volume control. My solution was the Wyred-4-Sound STP-SE. It is a passive preamp by nature with a buffer stage that kicks in if you go past 3/4 of the way on the volume control. It is a perfect match with the JOB. Volume control goes from 0-80. Buffer kicks in at 64.

That is an interesting preamp. Their demo program looks like a great option. Did you go with the standard SE, mod 1 or 2 options?