Well, if its speed you are talking about, see Northstar's nthread named Secrets!I might add that my system has an almost identical sonic signature to state of the art head phones, in resolution and speed and not counting sound staging which everyone likes to use to distinguish sound but in fact has nothing to do with the absolute detail and sonic characteristics of a recording. At this moment the speed of my system is almost unfathomable with the 4/2" drivers that have a frequency response of 130 hz to 25k without a crossover. The absolute detail in a recording represents everything, sonic decay of the instruments in the acoustical space above a performer where you can break down the notes into the initial attack, then harmonics of the note and then the decay as separate entities. I have two 8" side firing woofers carrying the bottom. My speaker drivers are actually smaller than the 56mm drivers in my headphones. There is no substitute for speed. mid woofer drivers crossed over at 2-4khz I don't believe can compete with the best small super fast drivers. The name I chose for this forum is Bandor , named after Doreen Bance who was married to Ted Jordan, both developing single full range drivers with the divorced couple Bandor, a combination of BANce and JORdan and as I last looked the Bandor website is no more. I did purchase 10 backup
50mm drivers so I can keep my system intact until I'm forced ,if I live long enough, to get speakers from my friend Joachim Gerhard of original audio physics fame and master speaker builder.
Heil AMT drivers, LMT drivers, Raido ultralight ribbon, Manger bending wave drivers and Lineaum (sp?) were all cited.