Get together at Bob's Rhapsody


I totally agree. The Absolare are stunning. I would have no problem living within the 50 wpc limit and enjoying the heck out of that system. You saw my face yesterday. I was in heaven. If Nelson takes over your store, I'll be there everyday.

Thank you Joe,
I think Bob & I will do something in the near future. We have the same taste and likes ....


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Please understand that we are talking about a 17' wide X 35' long X 11' ceilings....700sq. feet. Pushing the 845's driving the D3's at 100 db levels in this size space would never be recommended, regardless of what wall coverings exist. Sure it might do better with additional diffusion and appropriate reflection, BUT running the Absolare electronics or ANY other 50 Watt SET amp on D3's in this size space is not what 50 Watt SET amps are designed to do. If someone plays jazz, trios, soft's actually great up to about 95db in this size space,which is actually very surprising to me. It's when you try and push it with tracks like Flamenco Fever. When we played that on the Goldmund system we were at 105db+. I listen to the 845's all the time on the D3's in my space and never have any issues. I usually play at around 90db, that's how I listen to SET's not, at 100+.

If you tell me that you can drive the D3's to 100db plus levels in this size room with the most demanding of material, with any 50Watt SET's, all I can say my hat tips to you....and I would love to come and hear it!!!

My personal opinion is that if someone would like to play lp's ie, Flamenco Fever at 100db+ levels the last thing that you would do is select 50Watt SET's driviing D3's, wouldn't you agree?

Others' agree, disagree? And I am totally not being defensive, I think that it's an appropriate conversation, no?

You are spot on Bob. It would be absurd to try and play music at a continuous 100db+ level with any SET amp as far as I'm concerned. SET's are wonderful for vocals, jazz, and music that can show off a SET amps strength of beautiful, luscious mids. Sure they have decent extension on both ends but those mids...! Of course any music can be played with/through them as long as you're not looking for stadium volume levels. Yes I do listen to a variety of music, even hip-hop, with mine (and it's GOOD!)
The reviewer was Key, this guy:

ASI Grand Stereo amplifier and Liveline Preamplifier

I thought the pic in the review was of the amp 'designer', but it's Key himself.

If you click on the above quote's link (like I always do myself so that I can learn everything there is to learn here at the aquarium),
you'll find out indeed that Key is not George Clooney (Nelson) but very truly Franck Tchang. :) ...The audio reviewer from StereoTimes.

EDIT: Me too I made the same mistake as you Allen; I thought that the picture of the gentleman at the very beginning (top left) was indeed the one of the designer himself (Franck Tchang).
But it isn't; it's the photograph of the audio reviewer himself at StereoTimes, Key Kim. ...Jeez, finally! :facepalm:

* Stuff like that shouldn't happen in a professional audio review. ;)
If you click on the above quote's link (like I always do myself so that I can learn everything there is to learn here at the aquarium),
you'll find out indeed that Key is not George Clooney (Nelson) but very truly Franck Tchang. :) ...The audio reviewer from StereoTimes.

Franck Philosophy

[TABLE="width: 860"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"][TABLE="width: 820"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]

ir is the carrier of sound waves. If not hermetically sealed off by air locks, all the rooms, nooks, crannies and closets in a house including the refrigerator, oven and all furniture with doors communicate with each through the air. Traditional heavy damping can absorb excess acoustic energies. But such damping also tends to kill off the finest harmonics, dumbs down the performers' tone modulations and dries out harmonic textures. Overdamping further undermines the swing of free timing. If one addresses air disturbances directly (primary causes are the loudspeakers and how they interact with a room's geometry), the quality of sound propagating through the air improves automatically. This is a direct cause/effect result and our acoustic resonator technology strategically exploits it.


ur Tango speakers avoid any internal damping or fillers for the same reason. Instead, a series of interconnected breathing bores evens out the air pressure differences between the three discrete internal chambers and, via the spinal holes, between the backs of the drivers loaded into the chambers and the room. This also flattens out the speaker impedance. Three acoustic resonators based on the Pro models but smaller line up in front of the oval bass chamber bore to reduce turbulence. This benefits improved harmonic transmission and makes a silk dome tweeter perform like a hyper expensive diamond unit.

ur HeartSong racks use decompression holes in their shelves and lower legs very similar to the two small upper bores in the Tango's back and inner chambers and the small holes in the RCA barrels and bayonet bananas. These details and more evolved from the acoustic resonator approach of converting air pressure to tension. Our LiveLine cables adapt the resonator metallurgy of precious metals and alloys to the active signal path. This applies my experience with the acoustic properties of specific metals to achieve minimal group delay, high propagation velocity and undiminished harmonics in signal and power delivery cables.
This website provides information on currently available Franck Tchang products.​
All images and content on protected by copyright© 2009. Website design by Clef à Succès.​
If you click on the above quote's link (like I always do myself so that I can learn everything there is to learn here at the aquarium),
you'll find out indeed that Key is not George Clooney (Nelson) but very truly Franck Tchang. :) ...The audio reviewer from StereoTimes.

EDIT: Me too I made the same mistake as you Allen; I thought that the picture of the gentleman at the very beginning (top left) was indeed the one of the designer (Franck Tchang). But it isn't; it's the photograph of the audio reviewer at StereoTimes, Key Kim. Jeez, finally! :facepalm:

I'm George Clooney

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I love Your blindness my dear Friend

I want Destination and date of our next AS reunion
Maybe next NYC Audio show 2014?

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I'd say next week :)
Then again in November .
And yes in April during the audio show. I think I'll be staying up there overnight for that . Can't take it in all in 1 day. And I owe you dinner Nelson!!
Franck Philosophy

[TABLE="width: 860"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"][TABLE="width: 820"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]

ir is the carrier of sound waves. If not hermetically sealed off by air locks, all the rooms, nooks, crannies and closets in a house including the refrigerator, oven and all furniture with doors communicate with each through the air. Traditional heavy damping can absorb excess acoustic energies. But such damping also tends to kill off the finest harmonics, dumbs down the performers' tone modulations and dries out harmonic textures. Overdamping further undermines the swing of free timing. If one addresses air disturbances directly (primary causes are the loudspeakers and how they interact with a room's geometry), the quality of sound propagating through the air improves automatically. This is a direct cause/effect result and our acoustic resonator technology strategically exploits it.


ur Tango speakers avoid any internal damping or fillers for the same reason. Instead, a series of interconnected breathing bores evens out the air pressure differences between the three discrete internal chambers and, via the spinal holes, between the backs of the drivers loaded into the chambers and the room. This also flattens out the speaker impedance. Three acoustic resonators based on the Pro models but smaller line up in front of the oval bass chamber bore to reduce turbulence. This benefits improved harmonic transmission and makes a silk dome tweeter perform like a hyper expensive diamond unit.

ur HeartSong racks use decompression holes in their shelves and lower legs very similar to the two small upper bores in the Tango's back and inner chambers and the small holes in the RCA barrels and bayonet bananas. These details and more evolved from the acoustic resonator approach of converting air pressure to tension. Our LiveLine cables adapt the resonator metallurgy of precious metals and alloys to the active signal path. This applies my experience with the acoustic properties of specific metals to achieve minimal group delay, high propagation velocity and undiminished harmonics in signal and power delivery cables.
This website provides information on currently available Franck Tchang products.​
All images and content on protected by copyright© 2009. Website design by Clef à Succès.​

WoW, what a real sweet post Joe! :heart:
Who is Katz? ...Is he another audio reviewer, audio designer, or member here, or a member's friend, a chef, or the name of a fish in someone's aquarium?
...A cat's name?
bob Katz has the best sandwich i ever ate!!! ive only been there 3 or 4 times in my whole life but i always can wait to go back
and being the movie guy you should know it!!!heheheh!!!

Mind if we drop a few names?
When you're sitting in front of the best pastrami sandwich in the world, you gotta concentrate on the food. We understand and respect that. But when you're done noshin', take a tour around the place and check out our photo gallery. It reads like a who's who in culture, sports and entertainment—Barbra Streisand, Kathleen Turner, Bruno Kirby, Bruce Willis, Dan Aykroyd. And let's not forget our political guests. Four U.S. presidents have enjoyed Katz's hospitality, Vice President Al Gore brought the Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to lunch, and most of the hotshots on New York's political scene have eaten here.
Katz's Deli is no stranger to the silver screen either. Remember that scene in When Harry Met Sally where Meg Ryan was, uh, faking it? Yeah, that was at Katz's. (And we're not so sure she was really acting. If you've had our brisket, you catch our drift.) Or how about when Johnny Depp meets up with his FBI contact in Donnie Brasco? Katz's again.
You can check out a few snapshots here on the site, but to see the full collection, you gotta come in and eat.