What are you watching?

I truly believe that Quentin needs a newer/better/smarter life's direction.

And it has first to come from his own deep soul. ...The guy's still a kid impressed by a fake world of useless violence, and all that fake red blood splattering in the fake air of a fake jazz tune.

* Mr. Tarantino, if you are reading this; please, give us somethin' soulful.
Do something beneficial for yourself first and consequently for the rest of us,
so that your earnings are well earned indeed.

Just a simple positive suggestion, a la Pulp Fiction style perhaps.
...A love story maybe, a romantic interlude, a lovely fantasy adventure, ...?
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Films are like wines; some they turn us on, others meh.

And one day is always different than the next.

Last night (am I the only one watching flicks here) I re-watched this:


* Pilot, a big airplane jet, women stewardess, in bed, alcohol, drugs, action in the air, life as a pilot.
...But not any pilot. ...That's the plot.

Did you see it, did you like it? ...I saw it twice, I liked it, twice, but with some reservations.
As a movie, fine. As in relation to reality; oh, we can go high here.
Should I?

Acting: Denzel.
Picture: CGI.
Sound: Fabricated.
Overall: Hollywood.

High enough? ;)
Last night I watched this :: 'City of Women'


* It has been a very long time since last I've seen this flick from one of my favorite directors, Federico Fellini.
It's cool, interesting, and if like me you love dreaming about a world of women, and you appreciate Fellini's unique cinematography and construction's style of storytelling.
Films are like wines; some they turn us on, others meh.

And one day is always different than the next.

Last night (am I the only one watching flicks here) I re-watched this:


* Pilot, a big airplane jet, women stewardess, in bed, alcohol, drugs, action in the air, life as a pilot.
...But not any pilot. ...That's the plot.

Did you see it, did you like it? ...I saw it twice, I liked it, twice, but with some reservations.
As a movie, fine. As in relation to reality; oh, we can go high here.
Should I?

Acting: Denzel.
Picture: CGI.
Sound: Fabricated.
Overall: Hollywood.

High enough? ;)

Enough for me Bob. Thanks I'll pass. I'm not a big fan of Denzel anymore.

* An older French flick (1991). It was ok, but "Lawrence of Arabia' or 'Doctor Zhivago' it ain't.

How did this one compare to these?



1. I will like to see Denzel take a new role now, as a director.

2. 'Lust for Life'; it's just been too long, can't remember who it's all 'bout. ...Lol
And Robert Altman's flick; don't believe I've seen it.


If a movie I believe is good for the majority of special members here, you would see me type a High Recommendation. If you don't see that, keep listening to your music in all peace.
And so far it's been real quiet for quite a while. ...Not many movies nowadays are made with substance that brings this world up to a better place to be, or with a real message of hope.
Most are fictions, falsely interpreted realities, big CGI money machines, over the top comedies with unintelligent scripts and all that jazz.
The Knowledge Network is a better place to be; 95% of the time.

But hey, you know me; movies are also part of my daily routine. ...Someone has to watch few.
Trung, I never watch TV, ever! ...I don't have cable, no satellite, no connection, nothing!
... And like that for the last twelve years or more.

I only watch Blu-ray movies, and BD music video concerts (very very rarely DVDs, and I must have 4,000/5,000 DVDs).

If I need the news, or intelligent documentaries on nature and new technologies, or around the globe cool things, and bad things too; I got my PC.

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* Quick quiz questions:

1. Who directed it?
2. Who's the young actor in its first film debut (picture cover)?
3. Who composed the musical score?

Now you can click on it.

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Jeezzzzzz, I totally forgot! I posted this latest below my own post!!! :facepalm: :cantmove: :dontgetcocky: :disbelief:
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Here's the scoop ....

I watch at least one Blu-ray movie (or/and music) every night; sometimes two, depending of the season.

* Right now I need people always posting after me.
Because if no one post, or reply, I'm stuck in my own 'movie' zone! :fingers: :cantstoplooking: :cantmove: :lovesme:
Last night I watched this:


* It's a short (45 mins) IMAX Documentary style on 'Rescue' operations after a natural cataclysm or any type of emergency mission after a 'tremor' caused or by nature or by man himself.
It's good, and in 3D it's even better. :cool:

I presume that all of you are with the 3D program by now? :D
Don't fret about it; glasses-less is comin' real soon; it should electrocute your vision. :exciting: :amazing: :disbelief: :entertaining:
{You can also click on that above BD picture cover if you feel like it.}
Last night I re-watched this flick:


* This film demands repeated viewings IMO.
It was better this second time around, and I will eventually revisit it again. ...Not for everyone; you need to take the time, and more ....
{Click on it for one review of it.}

Paul Thomas Anderson, the same director behind 'There Will Be Blood', 'Magnolia', 'Boogie Nights', and 'Punch-Drunk Love'.
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