What are you watching?

Barry, most of all those TV Series is pure crap. TV (most programs) sucks big time because they give people doses of bad medicine and they charge them big time for it. Way too many people are simply wasting their life away watching TV! It's not the people watching TV crap we should blame, it's the TV providers of such crap, that's who.
Some stuff is alright: National Geographic, Knowledge Network, PBS, smart Documentaries (Nature - Music - Sciences - ...), some Sports some people could not practice so they compensate by watching them.

You don't need coax cable and satellite dishes anymore, and those outrageous monthly fees for packages you can't even fully decide on (without real choice; you have to accept the crap with the stuff you like)! People when they go shopping for food they buy only what they eat, not what they throw out in the garbage bin at home!

Hey, I'm just speaking my mind openly, expressing my opinion, exercising my civil and constitutional right (I'm a voter).
Some people cannot respect that, and feel personally offended, and they ban you from their controlled territory for it.
That's their own very restricted view, a deep problem they have adapting with the rest of the world, facing the true reality.

Without respect of others we are nobody! This is so simple but a bunch of people simply don't get it. :)


* Last night I finished watching/listening this ::

Hi Bob:

When you suggested that we list the great movies that came out in 20113 I thought that was a great idea. I started writing down a few:

Up 3D
African Queen
Blade Runner
Blade Runner

But, frankly, I realized a lot of these are re releases and I don't know what movies originally came out this year. Of course many re releases are re mastered, but some aren't. So I cannot really list what's best from 2013
It's ok Barry, you do your best and that's all it truly matters. :)
...Nothing else in life is as importantly counting as giving your best with all your love. :heart: ...And you already did.

* From your above list:
- 'Up' - 3D
- 'Hugo' - 3D
are my two favorite newer releases on Blu-ray (2012).

And of course I also love:
- 'Blade Runner'
- 'Casablanca'

And then:
- 'Ben-Hur'
- 'The African Queen'

- 'Cabaret'

And very last:
- 'Argo'
Pacific Rim 3D. A great pop corn pic.
The Dark Knight trilogy,Bladerunner and The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2, last but not least Olympus Has Fallen. My BD disks at the mo.
Oh yeh and Django unchained BD bought today on online shop with an A on the Cyber Monday deals for €13.
I am very upset. I’ve been ripped off!

I just got “The Naked City” The Complete series. There are only 138 episodes.

But there are 8 million stories in the Naked City. I want the other 7,999,862!!!!!!!!

I should have been suspicious. There are only 29 discs!