Viocustized my room!

Its call Vicoustic Vari Bass ( 2 for $ 900 CAD ) I believe . I think its perfect for your corner since you dont have much height

Paul - I'll have to ask Jeff why he didn't recommend these. Can you turn these and dial in diffusion or absorption like you can with the Tube Traps?
Paul - I'll have to ask Jeff why he didn't recommend these. - I don't think he has one either on his show room. However I went to shop and saw it and I liked it :) Does it work ? Not sure I only had a home demo on Super Bass Extreme ( Vicoustic )

Can you turn these and dial in diffusion or absorption like you can with the Tube Traps?- Not sure if it does.However I never used that option on my ASC tube traps lol
here is the detail below.

Bass frequency resonance is one of the most difficult acoustic issues to solve in any room. Until now, the most effective options have generally involved using bass traps that are specifically designed, or customized to fit the room.
However, these solutions can often be expensive and invariably involve complex measuring procedures. There's also little scope for flexibility if changes are made to the listening space, such as moving furniture or gear.
Vari Bass is designed for use in any professional recording space, home studio, or hi-fi room. Made from wood and high-density acoustic foam, the bass trap can be tuned between 50Hz and 100Hz by simply rotating its wooden top (which has a series of resonant pots) until the problem disappears. A scale is included to show the exact frequencies on which Vari Bass is acting. The unit's stand-alone structure enables it to be repositioned as required and used in different rooms.

Advised Units per Room Area:
7 to 11 m2 - 4 Units (2 Box)
11 to 16 m2 - 6 Units (3 Box)
16 to 22 m2 - 8 Units (4 Box)

For rooms more than 22 m2, modes formation should be measured and analyzed.

Vary bass should be place here the pressure is maximum.

the bass trap can be tuned between 50Hz and 100Hz by simply rotating its wooden top (which has a series of resonant pots) - Oh... I like that and that's your answer :)
Mike, well done. Stillpoints & room treatments, now that will slow the turn of gear in your space. Man, you are going to hear so much more now.
The Varibass, I have 2, do work & can be adjusted by sliding the inside barrel up & down on a rubber o-ring. I found them helpful with interaction of floating floors as well as better bass definition. One thing I did find is that more than 2 are needed. I now have triangular corner traps in each corner.
Wow !!!!!!
Jaw dropping super nice

Congrats my friend

I remember your room acoustics and I don't want to imagine how it sounds now

Very happy for you

Wow !!!!!!
Jaw dropping super nice

Congrats my friend

I remember your room acoustics and I don't want to imagine how it sounds now

Very happy for you


Nelson - you remember the challenges I had. No more. The room is superb now. Jeff was a big help! :woot:
Nelson - you remember the challenges I had. No more. The room is superb now. Jeff was a big help! :woot:

Oh Yeah !!!!!!

And I see that you changed your old rack

How is the floor behaving with all of this including the Stillpoints ?
Oh Yeah !!!!!!

And I see that you changed your old rack

How is the floor behaving with all of this including the Stillpoints ?

Much better. A turntable with mass is also a big help. Still thinking Stillpoints under the TT. Thoughts?

I'm thinking that would make a tremendous improvement. Thanks Nelson.
I've played with & discussed the Vicoustic Vari Bass with a dealer. Nice concept. You will find the a Super Bass Extreme much more effective though, especially in corners than these.

When at the last HiFi show they were using the Vari Bass as club coffee tables in the Wilson, dCS room!
Steve - people I've spoken to (cough, cough) indicate that the Tube Traps are really most effective in that 50-100hz region. When I look at the specs of the super bass extreme - it seems best over 60hz. Thoughts?
Mike, with what you have in there now I would be hesitant to add more, unless supplementing the existing ones. I am of the opinion you may over dampen the room.
Vari Bass for open spaces, WaveWood Super Bass Extreme for right angled corners.
Mike, what a great room. I really like the Vicustic acoustic treatments and will be getting some soon, not too long after I get back home from vacation down here at Siesta Key. As far as too much dampening due to too many bass traps, in my case I added bass traps until the bass seemed too dominant and sounded almost one note. I then removed traps until the balance was just right.
Looks awesome, Mike! Well done!

Almost all rooms I've heard could benefit from bass traps (no matter the brand). I know that's a rather open blanket statement, but I haven't been in one room (friend or showroom) that didn't have bass trapping. Just make sure you get them for the right frequency you are trying to treat.