MrAcoustat from Quebec Canada

Sorry Joe, that was a mistake.:rolleyes:

No mistakes Andre. I LOVE your enthusiasm. Please don't change. Your participation here has been nothing short of spectacular. Thank you so much. You are now the welcoming ambassador. Carry on my friend.
No mistakes Andre. I LOVE your enthusiasm. Please don't change. Your participation here has been nothing short of spectacular. Thank you so much. You are now the welcoming ambassador. Carry on my friend.

Thanks for the kind words, i have not been here for very long but i do feel right at home, i will be here more often since i have been banned for trolling on Canuck Audio Mart 23388_le-troll1.png for simply giving my opinion on vinyl but a new moderator found that offensive,sorry but you may not approve of my opinion but i have the same rights as others, sometimes a new moderator's job goes to his head wich i think was the case here.
Thanks for the kind words, i have not been here for very long but i do feel right at home.

I love to read that. This is exactly the feeling I am getting from others. Mike has created something special here. I am glad every one is a big part of its success.
I would like to let you know that i do not work for Acoustat and never did, they have been out of business in the USA since 1991 everything done after that as NO interest for ME, i am only a very proud owner of a pair of modified 1+1s and belong to a small group of Acoustat owners ALL of them modified by Jocelyn Jeanson of Kingsbury Quebec Canada, he as been rebuilding Acoustats for a very long time and is well known in the Acoustat circles, if i can help anyone it will be my pleasure. MrAcoustat