Kondo Eye Candy.....

Hi Allen, hope all is well! Thank you for the kind words:heart: 2014-:panic::panic::panic:
I look forward to what you have in store!!:exciting:

The studio is in GREAT SHAPE now that I've figured out the D3's with the Absolare!!! And the Waves and D1's and C1.1's as well. And then the Kondo Ongaku on the Waves is REALLY SPECIAL. Within the next few weeks I will be getting the two Emm labs Dac/transport, a full set of Echole Omnia cables which I had and sent to RMAF and also a new "Ultra set" of Absolare electronics.....it's going to be really special in about a month once all of this stuff arrives. Come on' down!
More Kondo "eye candy".....Installed a few weeks ago on 22nd street in Manhattan by Rhapsody. Emm Labs XDS1 V2, Kondo Ongaku and Avantgarde Mezzos.

Bob - have you heard the Avantgarde Mezzos? How do they sound?

I installed this system last week. The Mezzos are not broken in yet, but as I first turned it on I was standing between the speakers hitting the play button and setting the volume on the Onkagu. Seriously, in 5 seconds of playing as I was trying to get the volume set I got "goosebumps" on my arms....I really did:)

This is the first pair of Mezzos that I have installed, and they sounded pretty incredible right out of the box. I've installed so many Duo Omegas and Trios along with Unos that I can't remember how many, but actually visually I think the Mezzos are a home run. And the Bass horn doesn't give just great bass, as you know when the bass is "right", then everything else builds on that. It changes the soundstaging, the layering, the midrange, even the top end.
I installed this system last week. The Mezzos are not broken in yet, but as I first turned it on I was standing between the speakers hitting the play button and setting the volume on the Onkagu. Seriously, in 5 seconds of playing as I was trying to get the volume set I got "goosebumps" on my arms....I really did:)

This is the first pair of Mezzos that I have installed, and they sounded pretty incredible right out of the box. I've installed so many Duo Omegas and Trios along with Unos that I can't remember how many, but actually visually I think the Mezzos are a home run. And the Bass horn doesn't give just great bass, as you know when the bass is "right", then everything else builds on that. It changes the soundstaging, the layering, the midrange, even the top end.

What's their efficiency Bob?
About 107db....they have dediccate amps built in for the basshorns so you are really only driving the tweeter and midrange horn with the main amp. They list at $56K including shipping and all VAT taxes from Germany.

What a truly stunning setup. Maybe I should start thinking about something like that for the future and simplify my setup. I can only imagine.

What a truly stunning setup. Maybe I should start thinking about something like that for the future and simplify my setup. I can only imagine.

What the horns give you is life like dynamics, true size and dynamic realism as if the performers were REALLY in the room. Not an approximation of the performers, but as close to the dynamics that you would be getting if the players were really in the room with you. imho the horns don't soundstage, layer or have the complete soundstage resolution of several of the latest speakers from all of the latest hot speakers manufacturers......but they sure do sound ALIVE!!! different strokes for different folks. But don't get me wrong if set up properly they are capable of a true 3D holographic soundstage with excellent resolution, it's just that the aliveness is their strongest quality.
+1. Think of all the wonderful SET tube amp possibilities!

I've already made magic with a $1000 Sophia electric "baby" integrated 10 watt tube amp driving Trios. Nice 2A3 amps or 300B amps, which all can be had at reasonable prices are magnificent with the horns.

I have also connected ARC Ref600's and 1000 Watt Goldmund monos to the Avantgardes and they sound different but incredible as well. No matter what amp you connect to them they use about a 1/2 watt of power.
I've already made magic with a $1000 Sophia electric "baby" integrated 10 watt tube amp driving Trios. Nice 2A3 amps or 300B amps, which all can be had at reasonable prices are magnificent with the horns.

I have also connected ARC Ref600's and 1000 Watt Goldmund monos to the Avantgardes and they sound different but incredible as well. No matter what amp you connect to them they use about a 1/2 watt of power.
Wow that's awesome!!!! I'd love to check em out.
There are like 10 different SET amps that I like .
Nope still up here. I have to wait until 6pm to start working . I got about 9-10 hours of work left. I should be on the road headed home about 4am. Lmao!!!!
Hi Bob,

Are these Mezzo's G2 versions? And the horns Amber Bronze colour with the bass in Jacaranda Rosewood finish?


Hi Jerry, Yes G2's as they were mfg'd a month ago and the G2's have been around for several years now. Light Amber Bronze horns/Jacaranda Rosewood.....beautiful neutral, non- tiring over time color and it matches with the JR very well. It's my favorite color combination. The last pair of both Unos and Duos that I received from Germany have been this exact color. I can't get myself to order another color combination, because I know that I would say "Why didn't I get the Bronze/Rosewood:audiophile: