K-03 first impressions, settings choices. WOW.

Hi Jeff if you like Andrea Bocelli may i suggest this made in Japan album View attachment 1598 all cuts on this album are winners and the sound quality is something else this should be very very good with your K-03.

Agreed. I have all his CD's. This was his best (so far). As a side, his current album (Passione) is coming out on vinyl.
Congratulations Mike!

Your review confirm 2 things for me.

1. The Oppo 95 I have today is still a great player in its own right - and for the money it asked for, no qualms at all about it. Zero complaint!

2. As I am doing a upgrading - on paper so far, I might just bump this up to a 105 model, that being said, I would wish to wait for a SILVER piece, if Oppo so decide one day that Asia Pacific market should have this variant.

3. Esoterics make great products, especially these recent pieces. I had the pleasure of looking and listening to the K-03 and then the K-01 and they really made my jaw dropped and my mind wondering away from my Meridian 808v5. First time ever!

The build is stunning, beautiful and yet very solid. The only thing that halted me was the calling price. I suppose all top single piece players are in this pricing. So, I can understand what the excitement is all about.

Once again, congratulations and I am sure you will have many hours of listening pleasure with it! Cheers!
Thanks everyone. Its been a wonderful experience. Unfortunately have not been able to listen much lately as my 91 yr old Mom is sick and been running around to doctors and hospital, then my wife falls and badly sprains her ankle. So my plate is overflowing, and not with music :(

Jerry, yes, the Oppo is an amazing value, period. However, I will say that the more I've listened to the K-03 the more it is distancing itself from the Oppo. However, If i had an Oppo, I would still make the CDP the last piece to upgrade.
Thanks everyone. Its been a wonderful experience. Unfortunately have not been able to listen much lately as my 91 yr old Mom is sick and been running around to doctors and hospital, then my wife falls and badly sprains her ankle. So my plate is overflowing, and not with music :(

Jerry, yes, the Oppo is an amazing value, period. However, I will say that the more I've listened to the K-03 the more it is distancing itself from the Oppo. However, If i had an Oppo, I would still make the CDP the last piece to upgrade.

Jeff - I hope and pray your mother gets better real soon.

Jeff - I hope and pray your mother gets better real soon.

Me too, you know what I think I just hit my tenth post, but I'm so glad I hit it writing about what's really important....always loved music, loved playing drums for about 35 years, love singing, love these stereo sites! lol
love the few pieces of nice stereo gear that sounds so sweet especially the voice, oh but would trade it in a second to hear that sweet sound of her voice.....
If I can ask Jeff, is she doing better?

Thanks guys. Robert, yes she is doing better. She was just diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy, which is tough for a 91 yr old woman. But she's strong and alert, and she seems to have come through well. The whole process was a bit overwhelming for her as it all happened pretty quickly and we had a few different opinions to consider. Keeping our fingers crossed that it didn't spread and that she can continue to enjoy her life. Thanks for asking.
Thanks guys. Robert, yes she is doing better. She was just diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy, which is tough for a 91 yr old woman. But she's strong and alert, and she seems to have come through well. The whole process was a bit overwhelming for her as it all happened pretty quickly and we had a few different opinions to consider. Keeping our fingers crossed that it didn't spread and that she can continue to enjoy her life. Thanks for asking.

Prayers my friend. I can relate. My Mom has brain cancer. Hang tough my friend. It's our turn.
Prayers my friend. I can relate. My Mom has brain cancer. Hang tough my friend. It's our turn.

Mike, I'm very sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you and your Mom. We will take care of them as they took care of us. God bless them.
... Unfortunately have not been able to listen much lately as my 91 yr old Mom is sick and been running around to doctors and hospital, then my wife falls and badly sprains her ankle. So my plate is overflowing, and not with music :(


Prayers my friend. I can relate. My Mom has brain cancer. Hang tough my friend. It's our turn.

My good thoughts are with both your Moms. ...And with your wife too Jeff.
Hello friends,

I am a new owner of a K-03, I am very pleased with the results initially. So I'm more apt to spend my impressions, I post here.

Congratulations to all the friends who are owners of the K-03.

Nice regards,
Ricardo Nonato.
Congrats and welcome to AS Ricardo! The K-03 is a wonderful digital source - and heavy too!

Thank you for the welcome. I have noticed that some members who also attend AA and WBF, it is very nice.

I owned an ARC CD7, and now I just bought a K-03. The level of my system increased significantly with the arrival of the K-03.

Nice regards,
Ricardo Nonato.

Thank you for the welcome. I have noticed that some members who also attend AA and WBF, it is very nice.

I owned an ARC CD7, and now I just bought a K-03. The level of my system increased significantly with the arrival of the K-03.

Nice regards,
Ricardo Nonato.

Bienvenido Ricardo