JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Hopefully Norman aka wisnon may help to answer your questions. I don't think it matters but the new ones look nicer and sound the same.

Thanks for the quick replies Joe and Jack.
I had read without the DC Servo, it was unprotected from any DC leakage issues, not sure if DC protection is the wrong term? It seems the new DC servo is providing the "protection".
Good to hear there was no detectable difference in sound quality between the early and current versions.
Now just left with the decision to get the used one or a new one.
Sorry guys. I'm too lazy to search the subject here. Anybody can tell me if the "hum" problem is still occur on any owners ?
Sorry guys. I'm too lazy to search the subject here. Anybody can tell me if the "hum" problem is still occur on any owners ?

Some early units under some conditions had a hum issue. Grounding was changed on them to eliminate the issue. Bob aka Absolare was doing the service for Job.
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From Job's website.

[h=2][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]More New Jobs are coming[/FONT][/h]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We continue working on new JOB models for 2014, including a preamplifier simple solution, a mono amp more powerful and maybe even a phono stage.... Please keep visiting this website for more information
Welcome ozarktom!

Congrats on your friends Job amp. He will love it. Thank you for joining!
Welcome ozarktom!

Congrats on your friends Job amp. He will love it. Thank you for joining!

Thank you. I know I am enjoying mine with my Zellaton speakers. My buddy has those new Vaughn speakers with the plasma drivers. Kenny will get to see how it sounds with plasmas.
That's awesome. We have Nick aka veindoc interested in Zellation speakers. I've never heard them but I am sure they sound fabulous along with the Vaughn speakers on the Job 225
Strange. I tried to order one on Friday and the checkout page said that the item was out of stock.
They said the next batch is at the beginning of Feb.

Try again though as there could be cancellations that bring back a unit or 2 unexpectedly.
Thanks for the offer Mike. But Singapore is half way round the world from you and 230V.

Voltage is not an issue as there is an internal switch to change from 115v to 230v. Transportation cost is. From Job the amp delivery cost is built in to the total price of $1,700. plus, I dont know if its a warranty issue to open the case and switch voltage...
I was notified early Friday morn, 1/10 that a few were available, I placed an order for mine late morning and it is scheduled for delivery on Tuesday
January 14th. Luck me, I have a friend who is a noted audio designer who says he can do much better and will bring his custom mono blocks of his
own over to compare. I may only have these amps in my home briefly, because if his are better I will commission him to make me some. He is the person that originally Started the company MSB as those are his real initials. I am currently using his custom dac which uses some advanced tech that never made it to the market as National semiconductor shut down its advanced audio division. It is really nice to own some proprietary bits of gear that nobody else has. My custom speakers are unusual in the same way. They have four 50mm aluminum drivers in a front array that go from
140 hz to25k without a crossover. They also have biamped, side meounte 8" woofers as well. I will post pics of this magical one of a kind system when I get the required 10 posts.
Congratulations and welcome to the forum Bandor!

Please keep us posted on the results and make sure you give the Job 50-100 hours to break in. We'd love to hear more about the custom amps. Awesome!
I don't expect that I will be getting rid of my amp , arriving 1/15/14/ as my friend always claims to have something better so
I guess I'll just take it with a grain of salt. I am planning on buying a pair of totem dreamcatchers to complete what I've always wanted to do, which is have two separate systems with my B&K AVR 507s2 processing and providing 5 channel plus sub amplification for my home theater and my separate processor and Job amp driving my original tower speakers. A picture of my audio gear can be seen here. Below is a link to my custom audio gear with "Bandor" drivers in my speakers and patented audio cable.
They still won't let me post any links to imgages, snap
Hi Bandor,

I think you will love the Job. You need 10 posts to link photos. We'd love to see your setup and get your opinion of the Job.

8 more posts to go ..... :)
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for the last 30 years, I have had a history of not buying common components. There has had to be a uniqueness to it. My gut tells me that between my magic wire and the unusual amp that is being delivered Wednesday, I am in for a pleasant surprise. All that a man know winds up in his listening room, It winds up being the sum total of all the observatios and smarts for all to see. We have all been in rooms where people talked it up like they were brilliant audio savants or something like that. The sum total of all of your thinking and evaluations stands like a monument to just what made your collection special, or NOT.
I will put mine up against any mans, and money talks and bullshit walks, my favorite expression. Lest this sound arrogant, it's not, just confidence.