JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...


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As to the power cord, I've tried the Blue Circle BC-61 and Audio Magic Sorcerer so far and haven't noticed a whole lot of difference between the two. Probably have at least another half dozen brands in the storage closet from my "cable swapping phase" seven or eight years ago. Finally ran into the Job's high gain "issue" that was mentioned on another forum. When I went from the Vandersteens at 86db, to the Pioneer's also rated at 86db but in practice are much lower in efficiency than that, to the Green Mountain's at 90db I started hearing hiss even with the volume all the way down. I suspect this will be true with any of the other active preamps I have in storage. Since the test with the Green Mountain's is only temporary I won't worry about it for now. It might however be of concern to others trying to use the Job with an active line stage and Higher Efficiency speakers. I worry however about going passive with my music playing being 99% vinyl. If I was to consider it this one looks interesting.

6moons audio reviews: Tortuga Audio LDR6

Made in Cape Coral about 80 miles south of Mike.
I have some quite efficient speakers and have no hum or hiss problems at all. It is ultra quiet.
Using Tekton Enzo speakers 98dB sensitivity 2.83V@1m running off a Sherbourn Processor/AVR and the Job 225.
Thanks for all the input.

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I guess I'll try a sweetcord when the pre-a,p comes out. In the meantime I will be on the lookout for a pre-amp (maybe passive) or a dac/pre-amp combo.

I'll write some new impressions next week when I've (hopefully) had more time to listen
The one thing I haven't read much about is which speaker cables to use with the JOB225. This weekend I tried a few different ones and the TaraLabs speaker speaker cables (The 2EX) combined with the JOB225 is incredible. Big difference over WW and AZ and Mike's home made cables! :D

All I can tell you is what I hear. Part of it is probably due to the tube preamp, but I think most of it is that the JOB only needs .75v for full gain and most amps need to see over 1v to reach full gain. My other four amps that were in the Music Room needed at least 1.5v. If I switched out to a SS preamp I might hear something different, but I have always liked the sound of half tubes and half SS. When I run one of the tube amps I put the SS preamp in. I don't know if Joe has tried his JOB with a tube preamp and if he has if his available speakers are sensitive enough to hear the tube rush. His TAD's and Revel's are both in the mid-80's as are his Pioneer's like mine. When I tried the Pioneer's and the Vandersteen's, both mid-80's, I didn't hear it. I thought it might just be the phono stages so I turned on the digital rig for the first time in almost a year and heard the same thing.

I have used both my GAT and EAR 868 tube preamps on my Job. Both the Studio2's and TAD CR-1's are 86 dB so I barely hear any noise. Nothing objectionable. Overall, I absolutely love my Job.

I don't hear any noise that was objectionable with the Vandersteens or the Pioneers, I only hear it with the GMA's which are over 90db. I love the Job too, and it will stay in place. Just was mentioning a caveat that I think your friend on A'Gon found when he went straight into the Job with a 2v source DAC with volume control. With the tube preamp you only hear the "tube rush" if you get close to the GMA's or between tracks on vinyl at higher volumes. If that doesn't bother anyone then that is fine, but there are those like on the OZ website and A'Gon that will look for anything. I still love this little amp and it will play in the main system until the "cold" sets in then the tube mono's will get their turn for a couple of months.

I have used both my GAT and EAR 868 tube preamps on my Job. Both the Studio2's and TAD CR-1's are 86 dB so I barely hear any noise. Nothing objectionable. Overall, I absolutely love my Job.

+1. Me too, Joe! What a great little find. I've been playing it non stop to help break it in, but I've never felt compelled to switch back to my Rowland. Impressive little amp!:audiophile:
+1. Me too, Joe! What a great little find. I've been playing it non stop to help break it in, but I've never felt compelled to switch back to my Rowland. Impressive little amp!:audiophile:

That's great news Allen. I am happy you like it too. I start to look for something else "better", but I don't think there really is anything "better" out there, just different. It lets me enjoy the music without thinking about it.
Got hold of my JOB. Have been listening to it for the past 1.5hrs. Out of the box it bettered my Bel Canto Ref150S. This amp is FAST and plays really loud. Individual instruments are better defined and soundstage is slightly bigger than my BC. Vocals are bold but a little harsh at this point. Can't wait for it to hit 100hrs.
Got hold of my JOB. Have been listening to it for the past 1.5hrs. Out of the box it bettered my Bel Canto Ref150S. This amp is FAST and plays really loud. Individual instruments are better defined and soundstage is slightly bigger than my BC. Vocals are bold but a little harsh at this point. Can't wait for it to hit 100hrs.

Congrats! This little amp just gets better and better. Mine is close to 100+ hours now and although there is still a little yo-yoing - for the most part it is really sweet. The ultimate teaser amp. It has me looking at a T280 for my second system. Amazing little thing.
Congratulations Mick! It's a fun piece. Enjoy. If you haven't already, replace the fuse. It will help.
All I can tell you is what I hear. Part of it is probably due to the tube preamp, but I think most of it is that the JOB only needs .75v for full gain and most amps need to see over 1v to reach full gain. My other four amps that were in the Music Room needed at least 1.5v. If I switched out to a SS preamp I might hear something different, but I have always liked the sound of half tubes and half SS. When I run one of the tube amps I put the SS preamp in. I don't know if Joe has tried his JOB with a tube preamp and if he has if his available speakers are sensitive enough to hear the tube rush. His TAD's and Revel's are both in the mid-80's as are his Pioneer's like mine. When I tried the Pioneer's and the Vandersteen's, both mid-80's, I didn't hear it. I thought it might just be the phono stages so I turned on the digital rig for the first time in almost a year and heard the same thing.

Yeah, the amp's high gain/ input sensitivity is potentially problematic. As stated in the 6 moons review: "More so than low-gain amps, the 225 will shine a spotlight on any noise farther up the chain".

Some of the preamps used in that review were Nagra (tube- 0dB gain), Octave (tube- 9.5-12.5dB gain) and Esoteric (transistor- 0dB gain). Speakers were around 90-91 dB

Definitely something to take into consideration before purchase.
Hello gist!

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for your input.
I don't have a JOB. Maybe I should get one, my wife thinks I should...............Oh sorry , I was talking about something else !
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