JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Thank you wisnon for helping me get it so quick. This little amp does do BASS. The little Pioneers have picked up a lot just by swapping out amps. These little speakers, while ugly, are a steal while Newegg has them for $89 and free shipping.
Mick, I have not ordered one yet! Not until next year at the earliest...
As I live 5mins drive from their offices, ddelivery is not an isue for me...I would just pick it up.

It takes 4-5 working days for Australia and less in other places.

Thanks wisnon. That means I should be receiving mine this week! I've placed an order on Sat :)

Did they have stock still on Saturday? Did your order complete?

Last I heard they sold out in a day last Wed/Thursday and expected a new mini-batch this week. Email them again to confirm, becuase they usually ship withing 48 hours of receiving payment and then they confirm with an email notification of shipping.

At least that is what others have confirmed so far.
OK, then you must be set. They are probably waiting to finalize the batch.
I ordered mine last Sat. Till now still no tracking number. Getting pretty impatient I must say.
Yes Jack,

I bought the iFi iTube recently … as I find many active tube pre either adding too much coloration or hightening treble too much. I was attracted by the iTube because of the price and also its other extra functions (3D holographic circuit and Digital Antidote) and that it can be configured by dip switch as 6db gain buffer only with the volume pot bypassed. .
Norman you mentioned the iTube to me…and I will for sure check it out as you mention "rounder sound".
I will ask if the distributor let med borrow one for test before buying…as I have enough gear that is in storage
Ok, I've had the JOB225 on all day driving my D3's. WTF? This amp defies logic. It's getting better and better and....
Ok, I've had the JOB225 on all day driving my D3's. WTF? This amp defies logic. It's getting better and better and....

Mike, Enough juice to drive what must be a slightly difficult load from the D3's? Plenty loud, dynamic, the holographic stage we keep hearing about, detailed but not lean, articulate low bass, long decays, realistic vocals? I get to hear one mid Nov driving Maggie 3.7s, anxious to hear this surprising little box in person.'s all that. Way more power than its rating IMO. Sweet is the word that keeps coming to mind.'s all that. Way more power than its rating IMO. Sweet is the word that keeps coming to mind.

I find it funny to find most of the negative comments about the amp in the came from non owners who looked at the measurements from Soundandvision and speculated the power not doubling into 4 ohms would make it sound lean and anemic. Here's a quote, "[FONT=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If it is taxed (current wise) because the dynamic speakers impedance and phase angle dips low around the bass area, there will be a lack of punch and mid range body to the sound, no distortion just a balance to the white side of neutral, and if it was on most of the ESL's which dive low in impedance in the highs, then this will then sound to the dark side of neutral".[/FONT]
[FONT=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Owner reports are mostly like your experience, punchy, spectacular articulate bass, sweet/rich tone on strings & voices. Goldmund's take on power supplies is more along the lines of the A/C line is the source and a giant P/S might inhibit dynamic swings, seems like their implementation is pretty good.[/FONT]

This is why the egghead engineering approach devoid of actual listening and first hand experience is USELESS!
I haven't been able to do a lot of listening lately so no new impressions from me. I do have a question though. I maybe should have posted in the cables forum but most "Job" people are here. Has anyone tried the Job power cord? I wonder if it is a similar bargain as the amp but I'm not in the position to just buy and try. Here's to hoping someone has some impressions :eyebrow: Thanks! (by the way. having some problem with paragraphing/enter in this post :()

If you are using Internet Explorer on windows that may be the problem. There's something wonky going on. Try compatibility mode and see if that helps. I need to do that at work.

As far as the Sweetcord goes. I have one and like it. Others have reported improvement over stock cords. I also use a Shunyata Venom3 cord with great success. The Sweetcord users reported lower noise floor, improved sound stage and better overall intelligibility of the music. I honestly have not paid as close attention to the results but I have to say both my Shunyata and Sweetcord perform very well.