Integrated Amplifiers

Thanks guys. Yes the Soulution 530 just went up may 1st to 55k. I would like to find an integrated in the 10k range that I feel is the best to my ears as a reference to compare other brands. I have a shop full of high end separates but not integrated amps. I now have the Hegel H300 and the D500. I will order the Devialet 110 which will become the D120 with a firmware upgrade on the 15th. It will be interesting to hear the differences between various models. I'm interested in listening to one of the Mc integrated's as well. This is a category that is not discussed often and I know it's becoming more popular with manufactures. Mark Levinson is fixing to release a No585 that will have a built in DAC that will handle DSD files and I think 350wpc all for 10k. could have mentioned you just want to keep it within the lines you carry :D
I was not really asking for brands to start with , just an estimation on where the price point would be for the average guy. That being said I will definitely stay with my current lines. I do not have a lot of experience with integrated's but they have recently sparked my interest. I want to stay below 15k and just want to have a couple to compare. I originally posted on this thread asking about price points for the consumer. I'm not really concerned about brands but more with what an audio guy would feel is the limit for an integrated. Excluding the guy with very large amounts of disposable income.
I think as has been said, $5k would be sweet spot and the $10k to low teens would be the upper end. I think the $20k+ integrateds are prolly very niche because anyone willing to spend that kind of money and is a serious hobbyist is likely to go separates.
I need to establish a reference integrated for my shop. My question is where should the ceiling be on price. I have a Devialet D500 but that's 29k. Also a Constellation Argo coming but it's 22k. It seems maybe 10k should be the limit. Lots of integrated gear out there for that amount and below. I would like to get several around that price and establish one model to compare other models. Past 10k and your getting close to some entry level separates. Any thoughts?

David...not a big deal and I was just teasing you above but I guess I was thrown off by the bolded above. I took it to mean you would like to compare to other reference integrateds. In any case, it's all good.

In the lines you carry I would think the Hegel and the Pass integrateds plus maybe one of the Mac's would give you several flavors for between $5000 and $7500 that might appeal to the "average" customer and give them a choice, then you can pick a couple from the "high price spread" the extra disposable income crowd that want to consolidate would be interested in.
No big deal Cmalak, my bad. I think the Hegel is very good but I don't have a comparison. I think I will turn my D500 into the 240 and compare those two. It will still be about a $10,000 gap though
For the average person I would say up to $10k. Yes, some will pay $20k or even $50k but they are right at the end of the bell distribution curve.

It's amusing to hear that the "average person" would spent up to $10,000 on and (integrated) amp ... ah, well, around here that might be true.
After hearing the Hegel H80 at SSI in Montreal setup in a few different systems I couldn't believe how good it was for $2K and even more impressive is that it has a very decent onboard dac at that price.
said..."it's al relative"

:D ok ok, like the pic says, he didn't say that but...I guess the point of the enquiry was what price points make sense for David to have a couple of integrateds really aimed at the serious audiophile/hobbyist, presumably a notch or two above starter gear.

There are plenty of great integrateds in the $500-$2K range that offer a real taste of the high end from names like NAD, Cambridge Audio, Peachtree, Musical Fidelity, Naim, Rega, and many many others but your point is very well taken. It is a crazy hobby and certainly certain segments of it cater to the well heeled...
I am currently auditioning the D'Agostino Momentum Integrated amp in my system for a few days. I like the idea of getting his wonderful pre-amp and his stereo amp in one box. The unit lists somewhere in the mid $40k range I believe. I will have a better idea in a few days whether it is worth it.

That for me is the higher echelon of the higher "average person". :)
The D'agostino stuff is the best looking SS gear on the planet.

I heard it at SSI in Montreal driving the latest Sasha's, sounded fantastic.

Big bucks, but man it is beautiful stuff.
But again like the Allnic, not for the "average guy." The ones I mentioned earlier from Hegel, Pass and McIntosh are pushing the limit for me, but others on this site may see things differently. For me, $2000 to $5000 would be the upper end for an integrated.
But again like the Allnic, not for the "average guy." The ones I mentioned earlier from Hegel, Pass and McIntosh are pushing the limit for me, but others on this site may see things differently. For me, $2000 to $5000 would be the upper end for an integrated.

Agreed, there are some really nice sounding amps out there in that price range, as there should be.