I never thought this would happen.............

Thanks Jeff

Forgot to mention this. Me loves British loudspeakers:heart::heart::heart:

Bob....with your McIntosh C220 and Arc VT100 you just can't go wrong. With my experience the Harbeth doesn't need much break in time.

Enjoy it in good health :flowers:
It's been a couple of weeks since my last update, so here's another one:

They are settling in very well. They seem to do a disappearing act and I'm just hearing the music and not where it's coming from. They really work well with my amp and pre and there are no issues to report at this time.

I'll have more to report as time goes by so stay tuned:audiophile::audiophile:
They're really hard to find fault with. I've been running SHL-5s for about a year, moved to them from the Compact 7es3 which didn't work out in my room. I'm currently running them with a (borrowed) Plinius Hautonga integrated, and its a very good match. I've found them to be much less picky about everything, amps, stands, room, than the 7es3.
Beautiful speakers! Congrats. There is a lot of Harberth Love over at AK but unfortunately, there are no dealers in my area to hear or see them.
Bob, et al.,

I'm jonesing for a Harbeth update. If you have 'em, please check in with model number and tell me how you like 'em.
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Bob...sorry, I just saw this today so a belated congrats on the new HL-5s Enjoy them in good health!
Sorry for not posting an update. I'm really enjoying the Harbeth's and they're getting better every day. Of course I still miss my ProAc's and I guess I always will.

I need to start listening more to get more hours on the speakers.

That's all I can think of for now but I promise there will be more updates:D:D:D
This is a statement from Paul Seydor at the Newport show:

Speaking of midranges, Harbeth's Monitor 30.1($6k/pr)and Super HL-5(5.7Kpr)made peerlessly musical and natural sounds- perhaps the most purely natural at the show-wherever they were used; as in years past I rarely wanted to leave any room that featured these speakers.

That speaks volumes for my speaker and makes me like them even more than I already do.
This is a statement from Paul Seydor at the Newport show:

Speaking of midranges, Harbeth's Monitor 30.1($6k/pr)and Super HL-5(5.7Kpr)made peerlessly musical and natural sounds- perhaps the most purely natural at the show-wherever they were used; as in years past I rarely wanted to leave any room that featured these speakers.

That speaks volumes for my speaker and makes me like them even more than I already do.

King of mid range speakers period!

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That sounds like my kind of speaker. So happy for you Bob.