Hi from CT!


Apr 13, 2013
Tuckahoe, NY
I met Allen (socfan12) at the NYC audio show today, and he introduced me to this forum. I look forward to participating.... By way of audio background, at the moment I am running both a SET 2w decware tube amp and a 600W Spectron- talk about a power discrepancy! More on that later...
Hey Ron, welcome and thanks for joining! This is a great forum with a bunch of great guys, you'll love it here!

Bought that Youn Sun Nah CD that you had, and one other one from her as well! I look forward to hearing it when it comes on Wens!
Also got some Louis Armstrong CD so I can hear St. James Infirmary again. It's not an audiophile CD, so not sure how it'll sound, but on the Kondo's, it was simply amazing!
Ron and I were fixated in our seats. It's not as warm sounding as the CR1s, which I prefer slightly as you know, but man, the Kondo's had some real natural sounding music coming out of it!
You'll have to tell me how the other Sun Nah CD is. The Kondo room really struck me - what is possible with cost-no-object components. Stunning. The best thing though is that the show made me realize that I would have to spend way above my current cost threshold to do appreciably better than I have now, a nice outcome! (Or a reason to go deep into debt...)
I hear ya, Ron! I really enjoyed my day there yesterday listening to all those great systems. Will definitely go again.
Hey Ron, if you haven't seen the thread yet, we have a thread for all of us to post what music we are listening to currently. Hope you post there and share some more of your wonderful music!