Get together at Bob's Rhapsody

Thanks Paul. We need to get you here. You'd have a lot of fun with all of us. :)
Goldmund on Raidho D3 is outstanding. Amazing 3D and depth. Magical.

We also heard Magico S3, which I really love too. So much wonderful gear.
Man that was a fun day.

Myles, thanks for letting me hear your wonderful cache of tapes. They really are magical. Good luck on your forthcoming wedding day - may the weather be with you.

Bob, your place is special. So much equipment that I never thought I would see/hear together. You are a wonderfully gracious host for putting this together.

And the rest of you guys ... great meeting you all. You made today a really fun time. Good wine, nice friends (if I can call you that now).

Till next time ... Bob
After Jock gave me the finger I couldn't
control the cell laughing , was so natural , just priceless

Me I interpreted it as a thumb up (number one); meaning top-notch sound from a great tune on a great system. :)
...But that's me; in my eternal positive life's interpretation, and the people living in it.

Only Jock truly knows; but the impression is already carved in me spirit. ...Ask him if I am wrong. :D
well i was in and out before anyone got there this morning, did some breakfast with bob and nelson and listened to some tunes, and turned bob onto my favorite new record, as we seem to have the same taste in music.
nelson great to see you again my friend. and bob you will see alot of my come the fall so ill see you then.
but i just wanted to thank both of you for being such great people and great friends!!
and also im sorry i missed everyone else. must have been a good couple days!!! hopefully next time.
as far as gear goes,
love the s3
really loved the new d3
really really loved the kondo amps (if they werent 10x's the price of amps they compete with)
i really like that rogers phonostage too. im gonna have to try that again.
and next time im bringing my 300b's up so i can see if they can drive the d1's. then maybe buy the x1's

So sorry to have missed you and Allen.


Once again your hospitality has been outstanding. Thank you so much.

I loved meeting all you guys. We have very special members here and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. :heart:
First a huge shout out to Bob! No other NYC audio dealer would have gone to the lengths Bob did to host a group of nutty audiophiles! :) What other store owner would swap speakers, amplifiers and preamplifiers in and out to suit audiophile's whims--not to mention getting on his knees to change cables? Bob, you certainly went beyond the call of duty and certainly got a good workout to boot! And also to Bob V. to keeping the group in great WA wine!

Second, it was really great meeting everyone! Moreso, it was amazing just getting to know everyone for being more than just an audiophile.

Finally, it was wonderful to have Bob V., Nelson, Jock and Bob M. visit Casa Astor. Sorry a few others couldn't make due to late commitments. Think a few minds might have been changed about Magicos not to mention analog and 15 ips tape. Certainly there was none of the analytical quality and the speakers showed their resolution, linearity, dynamics and soundstaging. Shows sadly, are just not a great place to judge speakers (Jock I promise to nudge Greg for you! I caught you salivating every time we played tape :bonkers:) That Smoke and Mirrors tape certainly shook the room. :exciting: Wish though people had gotten a chance to hear the Atlas also in the system. Next year.

Now for a few pics from Saturday.








I want to also thank bob for being a great host. We ran him ragged. He has the patience of a saint.

Bob v - thanks for the great wines and doing dish washing duty. You are a champ.

Myles - the cake was fantastic.

All in all just a great bunch of guys. I am so glad I flew out to meet everybody.