Update for ANYONE that has visited my studio over the last few months during my "honeymoon" with my D3's and especially with the Aboslare 52 Watt SET amps. Just since this last Sunday, the combination of my D3's and Absolare SET's has CHANGED SIGNIFICANTLY. I can't describe the differences as it is now an entirely new system. I made two changes - the first putting 1/2" granite 20" X 20" under the speakers, which was only required due to my specific flooring, most D3 users would NOT need this "granite upgrade". More importantly with the Absolare amps, I switched from the 4 ohm taps, which I had been using all along to the 8 ohm taps. Btw, in the tech specs section of the D3' on the Raidho site the impedance for the D3's is listed as 3.9 ohms. In talking to Lars today he confirmed with me that this is not accurate and was a typo mistake. He is correcting it and it will probably say 5.9 ohms. I just measured my D3's and they show 6.6 ohms. Anyway, I never would have tried the 8 ohm taps on any speaker that measured 3.9 ohms, 6.6 is a different story. And for whatever reason the 4 ohm taps on the Absolare amps, now hearing them for the first time this past Sunday on the 8 ohm taps shows that there was a GROSS mismatch with using the 4 ohm taps. I am truly amazed by the difference.
I am telling ya'll to come on back and hear this new combination as it's an entirely different planet.
I also have recently become an Emm Labs/Meitner dealer and will have the Emm Labs Dac2x and the TSDX transport here in a few weeks. Additionally I will have a full set of Ansuz cabling and Ansuz accessories SparkZ/DarkZ here in a few weeks if anyone would like to hear them or try them in your system.
I am telling ya'll to come on back and hear this new combination as it's an entirely different planet.
I also have recently become an Emm Labs/Meitner dealer and will have the Emm Labs Dac2x and the TSDX transport here in a few weeks. Additionally I will have a full set of Ansuz cabling and Ansuz accessories SparkZ/DarkZ here in a few weeks if anyone would like to hear them or try them in your system.