I have a slightly long torso, so every pair of bibs I've tried (last year I tried 6 different brands) and my voice goes up an octave. I've settled on using suspenders. Used bibs... man I have a once worn pair of Pearl Isumi's top offering hanging in the closet. I think they were $189. I'm 6'3" and 200lbs, so if anyone is interested???
Assos I tried too. I was not fond of the chamois padding floating loosely between the layers. Folks swear by Assos though, but too rich for my blood. I find Pearl Isumi to have a lot of great technical pieces of kit, but I wear Castilli shorts these days. I used to wear Decent, but they mucked up the chamois.
I too greatly enjoy my Castilli Winter Jacket. I don't remember the model, Mortollolo Due or some such thing. Best piece of cycling gear I've bought in 20 years. With about a 25° F range, from 40-65, all I need is a base layer (usually Ibex woollies 150 T-shirt). There's a small Espresso Due Jacket on closeout at Bike Tires Direct right now
Castelli Mens Espresso Due Jacket at BikeTiresDirect. Regularly $300, now $145. I wish it were my size.
Just got wifey some new shoes this weekend, and a new helmet, and just today some new cleats to get her back on the road with me. We lost a lot of cycling kit with the move, fortunately not the bikes.
Weather sucked this weekend, so just spinning for me. But we have some 75-80° days forecast this week. Yippee!
—Bob V.
Dying is easy; you have to work at living. Life is an
athletic event. You have to really be in shape for it.
—Jack La Lanne