Active member
I am pretty sure (99%) it is. ...The standard Desert Silver color.
=> Wilson Audio: Authentic Excellence: The WilsonGloss Finish
* That last 1% remaining, Deb would know.
<<<>>> Regarding loudspeakers' colors (when not made of beautiful and gorgeous and exotic real wood);
a picture or two, and in real life in front of you, and with the light's angle reflecting on and from them,
it can play tricks with your eyes, which is natural, and can affect your mood too, of the moment, and of the future.
Thing is you never know for sure, but we always adapt with our entire environment, and colors can change dramatically when adjacent to other colors.
Color's preference is a choice, and no two people have exactly the same preference.
...Naturally because we all have different set of eyes and preferences in life.
And often we prefer the colors we are exposed to, and not by choice necessarily.
Desert silver, with a blue sky, and some turquoise water (aquamarine) colors surrounding it;
a nice audio expedition, sitting high on a camel, I think.
Unless the photo's color is really off that does not look like Desert Silver because my speakers are much lighter than that.
OOPs, I now see that Debby has clarified the subject. I should have read all the way thru before posting.