Hello from NYC


New member
Apr 30, 2013
New York, NY
Hi Everyone - I really like the look and features (links!) of the new site. Maybe I'll find some fellow Ayon owners here?

- Jay
Hi Jay, and ...
Hi Jay. Fellow NYer and current LI resident. Work in midtown. Have heard Nola Micro Grands at Lyric HiFI and they are awesome speakers! Never heard Yes sound better. Welcome aboard!
Hi Everyone - I really like the look and features (links!) of the new site. Maybe I'll find some fellow Ayon owners here?

- Jay

Jay my friend. Glad you made it :) Thanks for being here.
Hi Jay, I'm not too far away in SW CT, welcome! One of my first high end purchases was at stereo exchange on Broadway, in 1991! Fond memories....
JAY !!! Welcome !!!

I am a former NY'er, LI resident and now living in Seattle (Since 2007) ..worked in mid-town (787 7th ave). Family is in Huntington...what is that all about > Nada..Just sayin...LOL

JAY !!! Welcome !!!

I am a former NY'er, LI resident and now living in Seattle (Since 2007) ..worked in mid-town (787 7th ave). Family is in Huntington...what is that all about > Nada..Just sayin...LOL


I worked at 745 7th Ave for a while (Lehman Brothers)...that didn't end so well...haha.
Thanks Joe. When are you going to make a decision on the Dart vs. D'Ag? I like your hand-me-downs ;)
Hi Jay. Fellow NYer and current LI resident. Work in midtown. Have heard Nola Micro Grands at Lyric HiFI and they are awesome speakers! Never heard Yes sound better. Welcome aboard!

I'm a soon to be Westchester resident, and with that comes a much bigger living [read: listening] room. The question of the hour is, will the Micros be able to perform in a 22 x 32 room? Sub-woofers? Floor-standers? It will be an fun few months sorting it all out :)