What are you watching?

I watched this last night:


* I liked it! :cantstoplooking: :cool: ...You might too! :derf:



- Any of you remember 'American Psycho', with Christian Bale?


Right now: TWIT TV = The gadget guy with Leo Laporte. Before that I was watching The Gadget Professor on another tech channel, both on the Roku.
-I re-watched this last night :::


* The DTS-HD MA 7.1 audio soundtrack is a "Near Field" audio mix, and is very cool (well done).
- The dialog track is articulate, the surrounds precise and enveloping, and the .1 LFE channel powerful at times (tornado scene).
- The music audio track is not overpowering; bravo! ...That's about time someone finally wake up!

The 3D picture is more for effects than realistic (Oz world) depth. ...Gimmicky at times, and blurred at others, for the action moving scenes.
...Quite colorful, but dimmed (3D plasma display). ...And the contrast is high.

What a drag though! No 2D version included in the package!!! ...I have to buy it separately! ...I'm just too old for this bull!
- I'm not the type to mail coupons and all that redeemed jazz... ...Disney is the one here who should ask for redemption!

According to this reviewer (click on the picture cover), the 2D version is much better than the 3D one.
I've yet to see it, but I'm tempted to believe him more than others who are over-the-top with their 3D reviews!
...Because for me, like I said, this 3D Blu-ray title looks too cartoonish, and made for kids who are looking for faked effects.
There is a sad discontinuity at times with the actors and the decors. I do understand that it is a "science-fiction" flick (pure fantasy) but still I love to have my dreams look real. :)

Anyway, I will buy the 2D version ($30 Cdn) and make my own mind. ...As for Disney, I truly hope they don't do that ever anymore! This was a low blow! And us their customers we just don't deserve that! Disney! Are you listening?
Just curious; I know that some of you were watching the game this evening (Hawks won! Yippie! :)), but are there some members here who are also like me; big time into the best hi-res sound and best hi-def picture from Blu-rays?
Yes, I know there are; you guys (gals) simply don't post, or talk about. ...Das cool man, no problem (Tarantino's tone of voice). :)

* Turntables, can they do that? ...Play multichannel hi-res audio soundtracks, and hi-def video motion pictures? ;)
The last four nights: These four Coen Brothers' flicks | On Blu-ray, obviously


* Good deal right now on this package containing the four BD movies on four separate Blu-ray discs.
...Less than twenty bucks. :derf: ...Click on it (picture cover) if you dare!

And all the Coen Brothers flicks are great; none is bad. ...Including these four here.
---- Last night:


* Previously I watched the 3D version, and now I just watched the 2D version.
-> This version is great (colors, black & white, sound), but the 3D version is the better film! :)

Yes, I say "film" because 3D does affect (effect, for the better or worst) how you perceive the onscreen story, with all its surroundings elements (stems).

- If you like 3D, you'd love the 3D version, I think (I'm sure).
And if you prefer 2D, you'd love this one (for the colors and the sounds).

- The film itself?
1. In 2D: 55.55 (out of 100)
2. In 3D: 66.66 (out of 100)

- Video and Audio (don't matter if 2D or 3D): Video = 91.25 // Audio = 93.55 (out of 100)

Anything above 90 is pretty good.
Anything below 70 is missing the important mark.
And scores between are average.

This opinion is from Bob, and Bob only, and has merits only for its technical artistic and soul values. ...For all ages between 1 and 111.
BUT! Anything below 11 should think twice before seeing it (it has some scary scenes). ...Now, if you are below eleven years old, and that you are reading this post, don't say that I didn't warn you! ;)
Last night I revisited this excellent flick ::


* If you did not see it yet, what are you waiting for? ...It's from 2007.
This is a smart flick; great storyline, well constructed, deeply humane, superbly acted by some of the very finest, excellent camera work, and all that great movie jazz.
And the replay value, in my book, is great too.

Warning! Don't trust most reviewers; they don't have a classical background in Cinema history as I have.
...Only trust the solid ones. :)
Re: Last night I revisited this excellent flick ::


* If you did not see it yet, what are you waiting for? ...It's from 2007.
This is a smart flick; great storyline, well constructed, deeply humane, superbly acted by some of the very finest, excellent camera work, and all that great movie jazz.
And the replay value, in my book, is great too.

Warning! Don't trust most reviewers; they don't have a classical background in Cinema history as I have.
...Only trust the solid ones. :)

Does that mean you're portly Bob?
Yesterday we went a saw "Much Ado About Nothing" As far as I can remember this is the best movie I have seen this year. I normally do care for Shakespeare brought forward to today, but this one really works. After the first few minutes of getting my Shakespeare ear back, the dialog seemed like they would be speaking that way all the time. Amy Acker knocked it out of the park as Beatrice, and she looked good too.


An Amy Acker
Yesterday we went a saw "Much Ado About Nothing" As far as I can remember this is the best movie I have seen this year. I normally do care for Shakespeare brought forward to today, but this one really works. After the first few minutes of getting my Shakespeare ear back, the dialog seemed like they would be speaking that way all the time. Amy Acker knocked it out of the park as Beatrice, and she looked good too.

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An Amy Acker

Sounds like an interesting one Jim.

Last night ::


* Great (powerful) flick, directed by Jacques Audiard, same Frenchman director who also directed 'A Prophet'.
And yes, it's a French flick (English subtitles), and Marion Cotillard's in it too! :)

P.S. Anyone else here who watch movies? ...Or are you into CNN and "Zimmerman" coming verdict watch?