* I watched the
3D version.
-> Star Trek is 47-years old! ...That's right, and I feel like a six-year old child in a 66-year old armor suit (skin).
Some cult culture (Hollywood & all) are super big into Star Trek; they even dress exactly like the Star Trek cast for close to 47 years! ...Well 30 years for sure. That's cool, and I'm cool with that too.
But you'll still have my honest opinion regarding my own personal 3D viewing experience (entertainment) on
'Star Trek - Into Darkness' from the Blu-ray disc.
For me it simply didn't do it!
- Movie: 2.5 (out of 5). ...Story? Which story? ...And the acting sucks! ...The best actor is the bad guy!
...But the young blond girl is cute (in her black bikini; very brief, two seconds).
- Picture (3D): Too fast, too shaky (& those horizontal 'flashing' lights from the cameras!), too much CGI = 2.5
(Colors aren't natural, they are too "spatial".)
- Sound: Too loud at times, too fake, too recreated = 2.5 (In space there is no sound!) ...Do you have a sub or two?
...Then you might want to check the dynamics (sound pressure in decibels), plus the low extensions (in Hertz); perhaps it'll make a better movie?
- Special Features: I don't know, I extremely rarely watch them (Just no time in this very short life.) ...No score (N/A)
- Overall:
2.0 ...Why? Because that's me, that's why. ...No true entertaining effort without any positive life (plot) development deserves minus 0.5 overall in my book.
Yesterday was, today is, tomorrow will be.