Quite interesting Barry regarding the 'old times' (censure, actor's say, studio's orientations, cameras, etc.) versus today's Director's Cut, for mainly, like you just said, a way to benefit more financially from the younger public.
Everybody nowadays has at least a flick or two with their own added vision (Director's Cut indeed).
When Picasso ..., or Leonardo da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa (La Joconde); how many "Director's Cuts" did he add to it?
Btw, they keep discovering secrets in it.
* Steven Spielberg modified slightly
'E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial' years later, and twenty years from now he might still do it again; to please the different people's mentality of that time.
...And he never did a single commentary track on any of his movies!
** George Lucas was so fed up with people's complaining about his modifications (
'Star Wars') dual Trilogies that he struck the deal of the century with Disney. ...But George can afford to give to charities, which he does.
*** Ridley Scott has FIVE different cuts for
'Blade Runner'. ...Perhaps another one is coming in a near future...
I can keep going on and on, with all the good and bad, but they're free to do whatever they want to do with their own creations. ...They're not my babies; I'm just like the rest of us, a viewer.
And the studios? ...That's their own business with them directors if they want to add more revenues from them movies already made.
Nowadays some blockbusters cost $200 millions to make, and they have to be made within three to six months at the latest.
It's easy; everything is computer generated; even the actors! ...And the locales? ...Forget about the locales; it's in the cyber space anyway, except for double
So if they don't make $500 millions or so at the box office, they just added few scenes, called them the Special Extended Director's Edition Cut, and up to DVDs and Blu-rays.
And ten months from now, they removed other scenes, and resell them movies as the True Essential Original Director's Vision Spatial Edition! ...For ten bucks more (DVD or Blu-ray)!
This is Hollywood; stuff like this just don't happen in Siberia, or Alaska, or the Sahara. ...Or Canada.