Well respected speakers that you don't like

The 801s were a great speaker. Many audiophiles still swear by them. I wish B&W didn't discontinue the most recent 801D model. That was the ultimate 801, imo. And better than the 800 and 802 as well.

Anyway, as far as well respected speakers I don't like; those would have to be the Magicos. They're ok, but not worth the high price tag, imo. I would also add Sonus Faber and Harbeth to that list. Those are speakers that do nothing for me whatsoever. I find them lacking dynamics and have poor soundstaging and depth.
Raidho! I kid I kid. Don't ban me! I actually love Raidho speakers. On my list, just to my personal preference I've been underwhelmed by Wilson Max III, Wilson Duette, Evolution Acoustic MM3, KEF Blade, Magico (M5, Mini II, V2 and V3), Wisdom, Audio Physic Anniversary 25 and Sonus Faber Ellipsa. I think they were all pretty good but just didn't connect with me in the particular setup I heard them in.
I have your back Chris :) No banning here.

All the speakers I've owned, I don't hate any of them. Some I like more, sure. Even my TADs can be superb and sometimes disappointing but never fatiguing or harsh. Amp choice is paramount. Have I met the perfect speaker yet? I don't think so but I have heard many that push the right buttons.
This should be a interesting and fun thread that could get derailed. Let the games begin.

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They look like front-loading washing machines!
Raidho! I kid I kid.
D3's lmao!!!!!!! J/k of course.
I'm in the blades were severely disappointing category. I had $1800 Kef r300's that were 90% of what I heard from $30k blades . I was floored in a bad way.
I have not heard enough of anything else to add any more.
But I will say all this d1 and c1.1 talk is having me remember the pulsars and perspectives from Joseph . What a great value those are tuning out to be. Might pick up a used pair of pulsars soon.
Treading ever so lightly. I have my likes and dislikes amongst speakers I have heard. Actually, rather than "likes" and "dislikes" it's more one preferred over the other type thing because a good many of them sounded very good, but just not quite there for me. Some of my list may offend others here and the last thing I want to do is put down other folks gear because I'm a long time victim of that! So I will refrain from listing. Also, I don't know what it took that person to find the speakers they like and what have you, so I really would rather not judge. Gladly, I don't see my speakers here. I think it takes extra effort to keep in mind that it's all just individual opinion so nobody gets offended when it comes to speakers. I know if I saw a bunch of people saying they hated or disliked my speakers I may get offended because of what they cost and what it took for me to get them and the grueling research I did before purchase. If a bunch of folks just said that they didn't sound right to their ears or simply did not prefer them for themselves, I would not feel slighted. (It's all in the verbage). It's also difficult because speakers are 100% subjective. No two people will hear the same speaker the same way. For example, I find my speakers to be balanced, very revealing, nice to listen to and adaptive while some others find them harsh or fatiguing. To each their own ears. ~Eric
Speakers I've always appreciated but never "gotten" are Magicos. For whatever reason, they tick all the right boxes (resolution, smooth, well-constructed, pretty, etc...), but, I've not fallen for them. There is, for me, a slight "horn" presentation that nags at me despite their resolution, deep bass, and smoothness.

To be fair, I've only heard the S5s (on three occasions) and S1s but I'm now tainted and, notwithstanding an earth shattering demo, my impression is slowly becoming set in stone.

Electronics I listened to with the Magicos were Constellation, Spectral and Esoteric (class A). Cabling varied from full MIT and Synergistic Research.

This is, naturally, my subjective opinion and YMMV.
Treading ever so lightly. I have my likes and dislikes amongst speakers I have heard. Actually, rather than "likes" and "dislikes" it's more one preferred over the other type thing because a good many of them sounded very good, but just not quite there for me. Some of my list may offend others here and the last thing I want to do is put down other folks gear because I'm a long time victim of that! So I will refrain from listing. Also, I don't know what it took that person to find the speakers they like and what have you, so I really would rather not judge. Gladly, I don't see my speakers here. I think it takes extra effort to keep in mind that it's all just individual opinion so nobody gets offended when it comes to speakers. I know if I saw a bunch of people saying they hated or disliked my speakers I may get offended because of what they cost and what it took for me to get them and the grueling research I did before purchase. If a bunch of folks just said that they didn't sound right to their ears or simply did not prefer them for themselves, I would not feel slighted. (It's all in the verbage). It's also difficult because speakers are 100% subjective. No two people will hear the same speaker the same way. For example, I find my speakers to be balanced, very revealing, nice to listen to and adaptive while some others find them harsh or fatiguing. To each their own ears. ~Eric

Well said Eric.

You can come out with it now though; you hate Raidho right! :P
Speakers I've always appreciated but never "gotten" are Magicos. For whatever reason, they tick all the right boxes (resolution, smooth, well-constructed, pretty, etc...), but, I've not fallen for them. There is, for me, a slight "horn" presentation that nags at me despite their resolution, deep bass, and smoothness.

To be fair, I've only heard the S5s (on three occasions) and S1s but I'm now tainted and, notwithstanding an earth shattering demo, my impression is slowly becoming set in stone.

Electronics I listened to with the Magicos were Constellation, Spectral and Esoteric (class A). Cabling varied from full MIT and Synergistic Research.

This is, naturally, my subjective opinion and YMMV.

This is cool to read. I love the Magico S1/S5. But I really appreciate others opinions and tastes. Just proving, no speaker suits everyone.
I'd like to throw out a speaker that is incredible and is not made anymore and if you can find them buy a pair. They trade used for around $900. I've owned them on 2 separate occasions.
Platinum Audio Solos. And you can get the platinum studio ones for $3-400 and they are almost as good. I never see them used anymore.
These monitors bang bass a little too much but they image incredibly and throw an awesome soundstage . If I could find a pair I'd buy them in a second!!
Only at a place like AudioShark can you have a thread like this go 3 pages long with no outbursts, no fights, and no name calling. People at the Shark are intelligent, sensible people who know how to remain objective and have a fun conversation without taking things to a personal level. I love the Shark!

Oh, just one more thing...


Hello everybody,

First let me state: this is about personal opinion.

TAD Reference One


So in order to prevent flame wars on the forum I want to state that I don't want to claim the speakers are not good but just are not appealing to my taste.
Let's have fun!

Only at a place like AudioShark can you have a thread like this go 3 pages long with no outbursts, no fights, and no name calling. People at the Shark are intelligent, sensible people who know how to remain objective and have a fun conversation without taking things to a personal level. I love the Shark!

Oh, just one more thing...



Lmao!!!!!!!! I think your ok Allen, you just need to feed them properly . Too funny!!!
Don't feel so bad Allen, I think I was the first one to see the first post and, of course, TADs are one of the first two speakers. Oh well.
Don't feel so bad Allen, I think I was the first one to see the first post and, of course, TADs are one of the first two speakers. Oh well.

Don't worry Joe, I'll come back to New York and help you push them out the window as you asked. I suspect Steve will ensure they get a soft landing!