Wadia Intuition 01 for SF Evos? Opinions? ......

Yes it is true, I have absolutely no knowledge of the facts here, none at all. I apologize for my ignorance :weird:

Chris ,
there is No need for you to get offend it.
I like your facts and knowledge.
Lets wait for a US review or
comparison with other brands
to know more about it.

The Intuition is not cheap, that I can
The are many 200k speakers that the
Cost don't add the high Tag and still
They get excellent reviews worldwide

My opinion is to wait a while, is a new
Product that not even to many dealers
Have them yet
Like I said, often, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I think this will be the case with the Intuition. Let's wait until someone has it who can write a review and do some comparisons....especially a professional reviewer.

IMO - looking at a product by merely some grainy picture of its insides - is akin to what guys did in the 70's, when the first thing they did when they went shopping for a new car - was to pop the hood and look at the motor. As we've come to learn, automobiles are much more than "what's under the hood" - and personally - I believe this will be the case here. It's a beautiful (gorgeous actually) looking product, with excellent specs and power. Lets just wait and see before we prejudge it. I can't wait to hear one myself.

I'm traveling back to Canada again and I hope my dealer friend has one for me to hear.
Chris, Where you live ?
When FSG bought the brand they moved the company to Italy( Thats why Intuition is built in Italy) but they relocated back to
USA, Binghamton, New York.
Chris, Where you live ?
When FSG bought the brand they moved the company to Italy( Thats why Intuition is built in Italy) but they relocated back to
USA, Binghamton, New York.

Wadia has never been moved to Italy.
First runs of Intuition are built in Italy.
In the future, Intuition will be built in Binghamton.
Chr. R.,

What I think is happening is that metaphacts works for Fine Sounds. Your old Wadia dealer might've dropped the brand, but your country's Fine Sounds importer, which I assume is NOT this same dealer, will likely pick up Wadia, as Fine Sounds forces importers to stock ALL brands of the group. You can't pick and choose. That's why he's so confident there will be Wadia in your country.

If the old Wadia guy IS the one handling Fine Sounds, maybe he hasn't got the memo about being forced to stock everything!

And, for what it's worth, count me on the "not impressed" side of things on this one :)

Chr. R.,

What I think is happening is that metaphacts works for Fine Sounds. Your old Wadia dealer might've dropped the brand, but your country's Fine Sounds importer, which I assume is NOT this same dealer, will likely pick up Wadia, as Fine Sounds forces importers to stock ALL brands of the group. You can't pick and choose. That's why he's so confident there will be Wadia in your country.

If the old Wadia guy IS the one handling Fine Sounds, maybe he hasn't got the memo about being forced to stock everything!

And, for what it's worth, count me on the "not impressed" side of things on this one :)


Fine Sounds is not forcing dealers to carry everything from the group. In some countries there has been a distribution change so that all FineSounds brands are carried by the same distributor. Where that makes sense and makes for a smooth transition, that has been done. But you could very easily have a Wadia dealer in a country who carries no other Fine Sounds brand.

There are dealers in many countries who do and many more who desire to carry all of the group's brands. There will hopefully be more as time goes forward. The key to dealers selling all of your brands is to build products that they desire to sell, not force them to do it.
Fine Sounds is not forcing dealers to carry everything from the group. In some countries there has been a distribution change so that all FineSounds brands are carried by the same distributor. Where that makes sense and makes for a smooth transition, that has been done. But you could very easily have a Wadia dealer in a country who carries no other Fine Sounds brand.

There are dealers in many countries who do and many more who desire to carry all of the group's brands. There will hopefully be more as time goes forward. The key to dealers selling all of your brands is to build products that they desire to sell, not force them to do it.

Ok, but I know for fact that my distributor of Wadia don't deals with all brands from Fine Sounds Group, and I am sure about that Fine Sounds Group know all their distributøre and also what brands their distributøre sells.

My point was that if you have a distributor of Wadia in your country, you will have a dealer, even if it is not the one who dropped the brand.
Fine Sounds is not forcing dealers to carry everything from the group. In some countries there has been a distribution change so that all FineSounds brands are carried by the same distributor. Where that makes sense and makes for a smooth transition, that has been done. But you could very easily have a Wadia dealer in a country who carries no other Fine Sounds brand.

There are dealers in many countries who do and many more who desire to carry all of the group's brands. There will hopefully be more as time goes forward. The key to dealers selling all of your brands is to build products that they desire to sell, not force them to do it.

I stand corrected :) I was told that the policy was global, but apparently it's not.

It is the most amazing hifi component I have ever heard.

I auditioned one yesterday and expected it to have a similar sound to the Devialet. Four hours later after not wanting to stop listening I bought one and I am seriously thinking of selling my Audio Research Ref 5 and Krell 403 and Weiss 202. It really is astoundingly good. I thought I would use it in my study, but it is now currently driving my Watt Puppy 8s perfectly. The sound is great. I really can't recommend it highly enough. It really deserves good speakers and speaker cable though - it is that good.

I am normally in the camp of cynics when it comes to all in one hifi, I have tried many, and so far all including the Devialet have left me cold.

All I can say is do yourself a favour and get a demo unit for your home - there is a good chance that you will buy it. One thing I will say is that whole is much better than the individual parts here. How they did it I don't know. Incredible.
Welcome to the forum weyskipper!

Thank you for joining and thanks for the comments. Congratulations on the Wadia.
It is the most amazing hifi component I have ever heard.

I auditioned one yesterday and expected it to have a similar sound to the Devialet. Four hours later after not wanting to stop listening I bought one and I am seriously thinking of selling my Audio Research Ref 5 and Krell 403 and Weiss 202. It really is astoundingly good. I thought I would use it in my study, but it is now currently driving my Watt Puppy 8s perfectly. The sound is great. I really can't recommend it highly enough. It really deserves good speakers and speaker cable though - it is that good.

I am normally in the camp of cynics when it comes to all in one hifi, I have tried many, and so far all including the Devialet have left me cold.

All I can say is do yourself a favour and get a demo unit for your home - there is a good chance that you will buy it. One thing I will say is that whole is much better than the individual parts here. How they did it I don't know. Incredible.

Bienvenido !!!!
Glad that I'm not the only one impressed with the sound
This little devil do its job with full stars
I have now had a few days with the Intuition, here are a few observations that might be helpful.

Running in time is very important. It probably needs about four days to come to life.

Treat it like a high end HiFi component for best results. I played around with various options and this is what I have learnt:
- Power conditioning makes a big difference. I now have it running through a dedicated Quantum QX4 and it makes the world of difference. Do not mix your other components onto the same conditioner. During the first two days I also had the MacMini on the same supply and the vocals were not as well defined. It is now a nice wide stage with pinpoint accurate 3D imaging. For some reason it is very sensitive to dirty power.

- I use Nordost Valhalla speaker cables with the Watt Puppies and the Intuition. It might feel like overkill to do this as the cables are close to the same price as the Intuition, but as I said before this is a serious piece of HiFi. Think of it like you are getting $40,000 - $50,000 of HiFi for the price of $7000, then you can easily justify the extra bits.

I am even more impressed with it than on the first day. Easy to use, easy to install and sounds terrific.