Vitus Audio - My New Dream gears.

Good move Adam! The SIA-025 is a great match with the S5's in a small-medium or medium size room. Great synergy :thumbsup: What are your plans for your MSB?
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Nice, Adam! But no Trinity for you?

Considering Vitus (and Pass) as well for my S5s.
Those are just loaners. I will not make any decisions before listening to the Trinity amp first.
Those are the SM-011 monos :celebrate008_2:
Ah ok, big congrats Adam! Awesome amps! In fact I would be quite happy to retire with a pair of SM-011's & SL-102 pre. Speaking of which, is the SL-102 also up for auditition? Rule of thumb: Vitus sounds best with Vitus :thumbsup:
The amp:



The combo:


and the system:


I'd love to hear those Vitus amps. OMG! I bet they are awesome.
Thanks for posting those photos Adam. Your room looks great with the black Vitus mono's. I think they're a great choice with the S5's & would provide plenty of power and control. Just a couple of quick questions; What are you using as preamp? Also what are your first impressions of the sound? Very envious! :Bow:
Those Vitus SM-011 monos do sound great. They have a similar tonality to my MSB monos - slightly warm and rounded, typical Class A sound - but have better resolution and bass articulation.

Thay must be run in Class A though, as thay sound a but flat and gray in Class AB mode. Class AB was the first mode I was listening to (purely by omission - I switched instantly to Class A after switching them on the first time, but they reverted back to AB after I reconnected the powercords) and I was rather underwhelmed. I definately liked my MSB M202 monos more.

Run in Class A they have the edge over MSB 202 ... and so they should, as they are almost twice the price (the new MSB 203 - which are virtually identical to M202, save for 1cm longer heatsinks and 100VA bigger power transformer - are $28k, and the Vitus SM-011 are probably closer to $50-$60k).

I have yet to listen to the new, $70k (55k euro) Trinity Supreme 'monster' 25W Class A amp. From those ears I trust, the amp (not the DAC or phono) is Dietmar's true 9-th Symphony.
Adam, thanks for the update. I never had the opportunity to hear the Trinity Dac but have heard the Trinity pre and phono. I found those two pieces simply amazing! I could only imagine what the amp must sound like if that's his statement piece!:exciting:

Will you be trying the amp soon in your system?
During the 3 days I spent in Munich at the High-End show I had the chance to listen various times to the Vitus gear of the Signature series. They were playing the SCD-025, SIA-025 and a separate "small" stereo-power amp (I guess they called it SS-025) biamping a Gauder Akustik Berlina RC 7 MkII. It was a match made in heaven! The combination had a very accurate soundstage, beautiful non -fatiguing heights and the bass wonderfully grounded the music. Talking to the very friendly wife of Hans-Ole Vitus she told us that also Jonathan Valin came to listen to the combo and was very much impressed...

If you have the possibility to hear Vitus with Gauder Akustik, do it: Hans-Ole's wife also told me that at home they use the Gauder Akustik Berlina RC9 .....
Thanks for your feedback Audiophon. I heard the older SCD-010 paired with an SIA-025 & a pair of Magico Q1's & remember being floored...and the older SCD-025 was a huge improvement, whilst the latest spec player is about 50% better again. Similarly the latest SM-011 mono's and SS-025 are a big step up in sound, but with the awesome SL-102 & SP-102 pre's, I can't imagine how good this room sounded! Vitus is generally a good match with Accutons & Gauder Akustik have to be considered amongst the best.

Btw I agree Britta is a nice lady...just goes to show behind every good man is a good women! :lol:
Ps...I'm taking side bets for how long it will take for Joe see this thread move up to the top and start drooling. Over under is 40 minutes

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Actually, I am thinking of deleting it entirely :P

011 monos look AWESOME!