Those Vitus SM-011 monos do sound great. They have a similar tonality to my MSB monos - slightly warm and rounded, typical Class A sound - but have better resolution and bass articulation.
Thay must be run in Class A though, as thay sound a but flat and gray in Class AB mode. Class AB was the first mode I was listening to (purely by omission - I switched instantly to Class A after switching them on the first time, but they reverted back to AB after I reconnected the powercords) and I was rather underwhelmed. I definately liked my MSB M202 monos more.
Run in Class A they have the edge over MSB 202 ... and so they should, as they are almost twice the price (the new MSB 203 - which are virtually identical to M202, save for 1cm longer heatsinks and 100VA bigger power transformer - are $28k, and the Vitus SM-011 are probably closer to $50-$60k).
I have yet to listen to the new, $70k (55k euro) Trinity Supreme 'monster' 25W Class A amp. From those ears I trust, the amp (not the DAC or phono) is Dietmar's true 9-th Symphony.