Absolutely beautiful.
So, how do they sound???????
WOW! Beautiful John!! Big big congrats!!! They are beauties.
Smooth, clean and humongous soundstage.
Great looking and sounding speakers.
That's just beautiful John!!
Congrats!! :woot:
Thanks Jim. I made a good choice for my needs.
A big +1, Jim! If I had the pocket change, these would be my first choice. They are so detailed yet so musical at the same time!In my opinion they should be included in any current Best Speakers discussions or short lists.
Looking forward to your impressions.
Well after three hours there in. First impression massive, heavy and drop dead gorgeous looking.
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I keep coming back and looking at this! Such a great looking room John.
I keep coming back and looking at this! Such a great looking room John.
John, I just saw this thread, Wow, What an amazing system :exciting: Absolutely beautiful !!
I bet those TAD's are fantastic !! Congrats !!
I just can't get over the soundstage when you turn up the volume. Concert material
I just can't get over the soundstage when you turn up the volume. Concert material
John... Congratulations!!!! Your new speakers are beautiful.
WOW. Those look incredible, I can only imagine how good they sound.
I use the Herbies Cone/Spike Decoupling Glider under my speakers with good results, makes them easy to slide around on the hardwood floor and should work great on carpet. You will need the large ones under those beauties...