Tube amps for Alexia's


Saw the MC275 comment, and couldn't resist posting a pic!

I will be frank though, I have not had enough time (so sadly) listening to them to give you any feedback since my 2 channel system has been down. Only have about 2 hours of listening on this amp (it was new out of the box).
Tenor Audio 175S


Some reviews:

1. High Fidelity - Tenor Audio 175S
2. Positive Feedback - Tenor


* But this amp is not affordable.
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Saw the MC275 comment, and couldn't resist posting a pic!

I will be frank though, I have not had enough time (so sadly) listening to them to give you any feedback since my 2 channel system has been down. Only have about 2 hours of listening on this amp (it was new out of the box).

Wow Deb! That's a beauty! A real Classic. I think Dad needs to build you a pair of these Alexia's! They are amazing.

* But this amp is not affordable.

I really like Tenor stuff Bob, but my budget is $15k tops. The Mc 275 makes sense because they won't break the bank, they have balanced inputs, Classic tubey sound, a big US based company behind them, a 50+ year heritage. etc.

I tried the CJ amps with my Sasha's and they sounded just as cmalak described - anemic in the bass. They really couldn't drive them.

I think it's safe to say most tube amps won't dive the Sasha's or Alexias. I ruled out tube amps until I heard the Doshis and learned that they were designed for the Sasha and included an oversized transformer built to very high specifications for this reason.

I tried the CJ amps with my Sasha's and they sounded just as cmalak described - anemic in the bass. They really couldn't drive them.

I think it's safe to say most tube amps won't dive the Sasha's or Alexias. I ruled out tube amps until I heard the Doshis and learned that they were designed for the Sasha and included an oversized transformer built to very high specifications for this reason.

Ian - the Doshi's definitely sounded nice at RMAF. I was unaware that Nick had a new 200 watt amp.

As you know, I will be driving the Alexia's with D'Agostino Monos (the proverbial match made in heaven IMO). But I would like to have some tube amps to swap around for fun. When I get tired of the puffy, slow bass, I will put Dan's amps back on and enjoy the iron fist grip again. If I wasn't so set on the D'Agostino amps, I would probably get the VAC phi200's and be done with it. Their bass was NOT slow and undefined. Quite the opposite. But they sounded too close (or perhaps I should say, not different enough) from Solid State amps to really switch things around and have some fun. That being said, my friend's 200's only had a few hours on them, so I will wait until they are fully broken in before deciding. I really wanted VAC since they are local and I think Kevin is a genius.

John at Audio Salon recommended the McIntosh 2301's. Hmmm.....interesting.

Don't get me wrong I love my snappers but I see that when I was running monitors even though only 86db efficient , the 100w tubes would easily drive em . Then I switched to 91db veneres and even though more efficient I am hitting the volume way harder to fill up all those drivers . I wouldn't say I'm killing the amps to drive em. But they are definitely working harder.
So I think I would look to at least 120-150w in tubes to drive big mamas like the Alexia's .
What about a pair of bat vk75se. I heard a pair a couple months ago and they KILL what my old vk60's sounded like. But they only run balanced . Which I can't because of my pre .
I see someone mentioned BAT above. Don't overlook them because they are older because they have been revising them for years. A pair of 75's would fit the bill perfectly. A pair is in the pricerange, is 150 strong tube watts, balanced , and would really make those Wilson's sing.
What happened to the VACs?? Those are as sweet as they get.
I wish the new zesto amp was available in monos cause at 120w they would be awesome!!

I tried the CJ amps with my Sasha's and they sounded just as cmalak described - anemic in the bass. They really couldn't drive them.

I think it's safe to say most tube amps won't dive the Sasha's or Alexias. I ruled out tube amps until I heard the Doshis and learned that they were designed for the Sasha and included an oversized transformer built to very high specifications for this reason.

I have the Doshi 90W Mono blocks and the bass is by far the best I've heard with the Sashas. I consider them full range for sure although opinions differ. I've heard the Alexia's at Nicks with my amps and they were stunning. I've heard his larger mono blocks with MAXX 3 and X2's the X2's were so good its hard to describe.
The Doshi's did sound REALLY good with the Alexia's at RMAF. Been really liking Nick's gear. Sasha's and Alexia's are harder to drive. Aren't your Alexia's in a Home Theater, Mike?
The Doshi's did sound REALLY good with the Alexia's at RMAF. Been really liking Nick's gear. Sasha's and Alexia's are harder to drive. Aren't your Alexia's in a Home Theater, Mike?

Yes. But I rarely watch movies.