Soulution 520


Active member
Apr 5, 2013
I can now safely say that this preamp needs no more hours on it to improve, it didn't right at the start either, but it did improve. All the Mundorf goodness inside has reached it's potential & it really is a pleasure to hear it in any system. I really love asking people if they'd like me to bring it round & chuck it in the system :woot: Not one disappointed listener or complaint yet.
The 520 is just a touch warm, very accurate in the reproduction of what is fed through it & it does have a musicality about it that is addictive.

A preamp that needs no introduction really....

The feet are the same principle as the stillpoints

The business end....

Mundorf goodness.....MMmmm, also the toroidal transformer, well isolated.

....there are capacitors, resistors, just really makes you whistle out loud at the art of the build & to see where the money went....

Inside of front panel, digital mode switches & volume

Incoming power side of the preamp


What a nice preamp. I've never really looked until now. I'm so glad you are loving that awesome unit.
She's a beaut, Kev! Betcha she sounds even better than she looks, too!:audiophile:

Very nice!
Looks pretty under the hood now you need to buy the used Soulution mono blocks on Audiogon. :D
Ha, funny stuff jt, my new speakers that are being built are active so the Soulution amps might be a tad over zealous.
Pretty preamp Kev. I'd love to hear one. I am so glad you are happy.
Its funny..when I saw Solution 520, I thought oh..519 prior attempts...LOL...sounds like my projects...

Nice pre !!! Thanks for the nudy photos...