Sonus Faber Stradivari ....

Thank you Lloyd. I know you have tremendous experience. I will not do anything until my TADs sell. I respect ARC, not sure I will own it. I still need to hear Alexia and Magico again.

Hi Joe...sorry, did not mean to suggest ARC. Was just telling my story. I would definitely keep your CJ GAT/ART for the SF Strads if you choose to go that route. I think it could be a phenomenal combination.
Hi Joe...sorry, did not mean to suggest ARC. Was just telling my story. I would definitely keep your CJ GAT/ART for the SF Strads if you choose to go that route. I think it could be a phenomenal combination.

Totally agree. Sometimes a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

A big +1!

As a former Strad owner, you will get tired (bored) of it very quickly. They are lush and romantic sounding, but lack speed, dynamics, resolution and drive. If you listen to mostly classical music, they are superb. Good for light soft jazz. But they absolutely do not do rock IMO. That being said, I preferred the Strads with Class AB dynamic fast amps like the Classe CAM600's more than my Pass or Mc tube amps. Ying/yang synergy.

However, like Kev's wife, my friends still say my Strad/Pass XA160.5 combo was the best system I ever owned. So much so that one friend (Charles) has copied my older system and now owns Pass/Strads - but he strictly listens to classical. But they haven't heard the Alexia/Dag combo. I know their "best" will change now.

That being said Joe, I agree with Lloyd, I think the CJ stuff would be magical on the Strads. You would certainly be in heaven for a while.

Joe...I am a big fan of going with what speaks to your heart/emotions and sweeps you up into the music. All the other audiophile stuff is great and good to consider and listen for but go with what tugs on the strings because ultimately that's what will make you want to listen to music.

What about Bryston 28BSST2's ?

The Strads for me were "is that it" the first week I got them, that was with an all MSB Diamond dac & the S200 amp.I gave them time to break in but just wasn't getting the emotional experience from them that I was wanting.It was good but it was like someone put some syrup on my sound,top to bottom.
The next step was to the McIntosh 2301's & the Soulution 520 preamp.Another different & very enjoyable sound but lacking the detail & dynamics that I wanted.
I demoed 28BSST2's in the same system, a sideways move from the 2301's with better bass, great amps but not what I was looking for at the time.
The next demo was the SGR Audio EL 30M's, these operated in class a up to the first 50w, which for me was 95% of my listening. It was an improvement & closer to the sound I was wanting except for 2 things. The first being that the signature of the speaker was becoming very apparent to me, which to me seemed just a touch overbearing on some music & that was starting to make me ill at ease. The second was that although these amps are very revealing & can play at low volume or loud with detail & dynamics, mostly unfatiguing unless listening to a quite harsh mastering, the limits of the Strads became apparent between the crossovers & the way they were voiced.
Fast forward & that is why I have what I have now, this is my progression from the Strads, it was the best move for me as the sound that grips me emotionally. The dynamics, speed, detail, the swooning seconds in the midrange of a recording that is food for my musical enjoyment/soul.

I think we all need to step back & really analyse what it is we want & short list maybe 3-5 things that are a must for us to enjoy what we need to get from the sound on a day to day basis. My list is dynamic,speed, detailed, with a slight warm presentation, those four things are not all present with the Strads, at least I am having fun while I'm learning
Hi Kev,

I appreciate your honest input on your audio journey. I remember most of what you went through and I understand your perspective. Logically I totally agree with your perspective but once you put me in front of the Strads with the right gear, logic goes out the window and the heart takes over. Nothing is a done deal, and I am not sure the Strads will be optimal in my current location. I believe they will work but I have to be sure. There is still about 3-4 speakers I need to hear first. I do have the benefit of having the SF Evos and they are wonderful.

The Strads for me were "is that it" the first week I got them, that was with an all MSB Diamond dac & the S200 amp.I gave them time to break in but just wasn't getting the emotional experience from them that I was wanting.It was good but it was like someone put some syrup on my sound,top to bottom.
The next step was to the McIntosh 2301's & the Soulution 520 preamp.Another different & very enjoyable sound but lacking the detail & dynamics that I wanted.
I demoed 28BSST2's in the same system, a sideways move from the 2301's with better bass, great amps but not what I was looking for at the time.
The next demo was the SGR Audio EL 30M's, these operated in class a up to the first 50w, which for me was 95% of my listening. It was an improvement & closer to the sound I was wanting except for 2 things. The first being that the signature of the speaker was becoming very apparent to me, which to me seemed just a touch overbearing on some music & that was starting to make me ill at ease. The second was that although these amps are very revealing & can play at low volume or loud with detail & dynamics, mostly unfatiguing unless listening to a quite harsh mastering, the limits of the Strads became apparent between the crossovers & the way they were voiced.
Fast forward & that is why I have what I have now, this is my progression from the Strads, it was the best move for me as the sound that grips me emotionally. The dynamics, speed, detail, the swooning seconds in the midrange of a recording that is food for my musical enjoyment/soul.

I think we all need to step back & really analyse what it is we want & short list maybe 3-5 things that are a must for us to enjoy what we need to get from the sound on a day to day basis. My list is dynamic,speed, detailed, with a slight warm presentation, those four things are not all present with the Strads, at least I am having fun while I'm learning
Thanks Joe, I remember yours too like it was only last week.....:rofl: It's a sickness I tell you, a sickness!!! Then again todays sick is yesterdays cool:coolyeah::coolyeah::coolyeah:
Thanks Joe, I remember yours too like it was only last week.....:rofl: It's a sickness I tell you, a sickness!!! Then again todays sick is yesterdays cool:coolyeah::coolyeah::coolyeah:


It probably was last week :)

That's why I like having choices. I get tired of something and swap it out for another piece. I don't know if I could live with one set of speakers or amp/preamp. I enjoy different sonic signatures. It could be worse.
I think we all need to step back & really analyse what it is we want & short list maybe 3-5 things that are a must for us to enjoy what we need to get from the sound on a day to day basis. My list is dynamic,speed, detailed, with a slight warm presentation, those four things are not all present with the Strads, at least I am having fun while I'm learning

Great post, Kev!:scholar: My short list is very similar to yours. Just add amazing vocals, you know, round and palpable, the type that you can almost feel their breath on you, and that's my list!:audiophile:

I don't think Joe is searching or looking to define that shortlist for himself per se. Joe has a broad appreciation for all good things audio. His tastes run from SF to TADs, from Job to Dartz to CJ. I think he's just having fun exploring all that good stuff, and I'm enjoying and learning vicariously myself!:D

Keep up the good work, Joe! Never would have learned about the Job if it weren't for you my friend! :cool:
Allen, I agree. For me I got caught up in the whole destination & forgot that it was a loonnngggg journey.... :rofl: Ha!, just wait until next week!!
Thanks Allen.

I am not sure I can define a list (short or long about what I want). I do wholeheartedly agree with you Allen about "vocals". Get that right and I almost don't care about the rest. Despite having had tons of gear, both high end and somewhat lower end, it's really not the gear that I listen to at night. Sure I enjoy the hunt but when the room is dark, I can't see what I am listening to. Take the Job for example, I've given up a lot of gear and prefer the Job because there is something in it that gives me "more" of what I like. Is it the last word in a grain-less presentation? No, but I actually prefer it to some of the recent amps I just sold.

Great post, Kev!:scholar: My short list is very similar to yours. Just add amazing vocals, you know, round and palpable, the type that you can almost feel their breath on you, and that's my list!:audiophile:

I don't think Joe is searching or looking to define that shortlist for himself per se. Joe has a broad appreciation for all good things audio. His tastes run from SF to TADs, from Job to Dartz to CJ. I think he's just having fun exploring all that good stuff, and I'm enjoying and learning vicariously myself!:D

Keep up the good work, Joe! Never would have learned about the Job if it weren't for you my friend! :cool:
For me, the 'list' has been: 1) midrange magic/purity of tonality, propulsive & deep bass. 2) clarity and detail/decay. 3) Midrange scale...something I found mainly comes thru great floorstanders (generally still enhanced with subs) More recently as I have made some good headway in 1, 2 & 3, I have learned further ways to deliver these better than I had imagined...lowering noise floor, integrity of signal, isolation...all leading to extremely clarity without etching but rather thru removal of grunge..all of this has led to a purity of signal I had not fully appreciated before. Howver, having discovered these...along the way, now what I am after is all-out scale and effortlessness. I have heard Genesis 1.1 and the Rockport Arrakis...and they have opened my eyes to what a 4-man rock band (Nirvana Unplugged) can sound like in a room 17x35.
At the risk of hijacking Joe's thread, great list, Lloyd. I think a number of SOTA or near SOTA speakers can give you some measure of 1-3. But outside of the MBLs, I have yet to hear many speakers provide #4: all out scale and effortlessness. This is where I know I'm listening to a reproduction. Of course, I haven't heard everything, but I think this is one of high end's most difficult technical challenge.
Can anyone comment on how they think the Vitus SIA-025 would match up with the Strads?
I heard them a while back at Audio Salon with MC2301 and Nordost Valhalla and I can't rememeber if the Odin was in place, the sound was inviting, warming, seductive a 180 from the Tad's. Again at least has to be wire with Valhalla, maybe Valhalla 2 to get the best out of them. Why not the beautiful Futura's, I get all that.
Hi Angel,

Thank you for your thoughts. I think the Futura may be a more difficult to place in my room. The two times I heard the Strads, I absolutely loved them. I need to hear the Futura to compare. I have not heard them yet.

I heard them a while back at Audio Salon with MC2301 and Nordost Valhalla and I can't rememeber if the Odin was in place, the sound was inviting, warming, seductive a 180 from the Tad's. Again at least has to be wire with Valhalla, maybe Valhalla 2 to get the best out of them. Why not the beautiful Futura's, I get all that.
I've never really warmed up to the futuras after listening to them on 3 or 4 occasions. Strads OTOH, i have adored. If i had a larger room, they are still my top pick for many of the reasons outlined by Joe and Mike. ARC and Pass are excellent matches. I imagine the CJ would be as well.