Sonus Faber Stradivari ....

I know striking the right balance is key to long term satisfaction. The Strads are polar opposites to my TADs. I really do love my SF Evos and think the Strads might be "more" of a good thing. Patience grasshopper is my current motto.
Joe...I am a big fan of going with what speaks to your heart/emotions and sweeps you up into the music. All the other audiophile stuff is great and good to consider and listen for but go with what tugs on the strings because ultimately that's what will make you want to listen to music.

For example Canton speakers hit the spot for me
And I could get any SF .
Search your soul and if that sound touch inside of
You go for it

The one thing you would love about them Joe is how easy they are to drive. 300B SET amps are now in play.
The one thing you would love about them Joe is how easy they are to drive. 300B SET amps are now in play.

I think I have plenty of amps to drive these babies beautifully. We need to have a long talk sometime Mike. :heart:

There's a pair of Aida 15-20 minutes from me. Holy cr@p!
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I have a roll of nickels and quarters. Help!
What about Bryston 28BSST2's ?

Would sound great....but they wouldn't break a sweat. JOB225 would be all you need for SS and CJ for tubes. Nordost Valhalla 2 cables to bring up the resolution and you're done.
Would sound great....but they wouldn't break a sweat. JOB225 would be all you need for SS and CJ for tubes. Nordost Valhalla 2 cables to bring up the resolution and you're done.

I think the Job on them would be KILLER!

I already have the Nordost :)
Would sound great....but they wouldn't break a sweat. JOB225 would be all you need for SS and CJ for tubes. Nordost Valhalla 2 cables to bring up the resolution and you're done.

No joke,
Sorry to tell you this but you have the itch
Is a matter of time not $$$
No joke,
Sorry to tell you this but you have the itch
Is a matter of time not $$$

I think you saved me a roll of nickels. I need to breathe. You are funny (and smart) Nelson!
I know striking the right balance is key to long term satisfaction. The Strads are polar opposites to my TADs. I really do love my SF Evos and think the Strads might be "more" of a good thing. Patience grasshopper is my current motto.

I think if you combined your CJ equipment with, dare I say it, Valhalla 2 or Odin and the might just well put your feet up for a while and enjoy. And that is a bold statement with you, as you have been enjoying collecting some of the world's finest audio. But I am going to say it anyway...but Mike's point is well CAN resolve beautifully but you need to be careful or it can lose some detail/thicken up a bit. In fact, my dealer who took my Strads back said he got them to sound better with an all ARC system and, I think, Valhalla cables. And I believe him...I think given my ear and my electronics, the Wilson X1s are a better match. I have had few more than a few dealers come in and be slightly taken aback by the sound given that the speakers are nearly 20 years old...I guess basic, good design and good synergy still count for a lot. The formula of what I have is very consistent with what Martin Colloms recommended 20 years ago for these.
Thank you Lloyd. I know you have tremendous experience. I will not do anything until my TADs sell. I respect ARC, not sure I will own it. I still need to hear Alexia and Magico again.

I think if you combined your CJ equipment with, dare I say it, Valhalla 2 or Odin and the might just well put your feet up for a while and enjoy. And that is a bold statement with you, as you have been enjoying collecting some of the world's finest audio. But I am going to say it anyway...but Mike's point is well CAN resolve beautifully but you need to be careful or it can lose some detail/thicken up a bit. In fact, my dealer who took my Strads back said he got them to sound better with an all ARC system and, I think, Valhalla cables. And I believe him...I think given my ear and my electronics, the Wilson X1s are a better match. I have had few more than a few dealers come in and be slightly taken aback by the sound given that the speakers are nearly 20 years old...I guess basic, good design and good synergy still count for a lot. The formula of what I have is very consistent with what Martin Colloms recommended 20 years ago for these.