As I was just coming back to clarify my statement, as it read someone aggressive ( even to me, once I thought about it ) it merely came down to listening to a used LP purchased from my dealer whom carried both said Okki Nokki - CA Smart Matrix and some expensive Keith Monk Ruby thingy or another, that had me impressed after listening before and afterwards to what came across as a sort of cd silence between tracks, as well as while entering the lead in groove. And as severe bouts of gout flare up limit the time I can actually sit and clean x amount of records at any given time ( generally 20 - 47 in one evening ) it merely came down to using ones that didn't require 2 - 4 steps during the process.
And then once again, it was the actual listening to the silence between said tracks and notes themselves that made me commit to both on the spot and not look back.
My bad, for coming across so abrasive, as it's not always the way I wish to be seen........., but I can admit to having a dark side, as do we all if we are honest with ourselves that is.