So I have had these cables in the system, amps turned on for 6 hours. I just listened to a very familiar album side (sarah mclachlan"Solace" on Classic records) that I have been playing a lot gauging my phono preamp breakin, ect. I am not bowed over. Tonally they are very neutral, basically on par with my MIT. The bass is less defined and extended and overall they are less transparent and dynamic. Perhaps this is because they were just plugged into my system. If they don't improve and by a good bit over the weekend....Odin will be going back. Right now, the system sounds worse....but I must strive for patience. :panic:

From my own personal experience, not with these cables but in general I have found it takes time for the cables to settle in - by day 2 all is good and it's like someone turned on a switch so I would suggest to be patent and see what transpires in the next few days. If by Sat you have the same thoughts then it's time to say bye bye
From my own personal experience, not with these cables but in general I have found it takes time for the cables to settle in - by day 2 all is good and it's like someone turned on a switch so I would suggest to be patent and see what transpires in the next few days. If by Sat you have the same thoughts then it's time to say bye bye

Thanks for that. I guess I was hoping for an instant honeymoon....
So I have had these cables in the system, amps turned on for 6 hours. I just listened to a very familiar album side (sarah mclachlan"Solace" on Classic records) that I have been playing a lot gauging my phono preamp breakin, ect. I am not bowed over. Tonally they are very neutral, basically on par with my MIT. The bass is less defined and extended and overall they are less transparent and dynamic. Perhaps this is because they were just plugged into my system. If they don't improve and by a good bit over the weekend....Odin will be going back. Right now, the system sounds worse....but I must strive for patience. :panic:

well for one thing, even though the amp noise floor was going through the cables for 6 hours...apparently that does little for settling the cables. My first 20 min LP side was overall "Dull" sounding compared to what I am use to hearing. I went upstairs, stole a cig from my girl, went outside and contemplated things for a while. I can back in, listened to side B and all the sudden, it sounded like a different cable. They opened up. I am now encouraged and plan to run the CD player on repeat with some demanding music when I am not listening. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that any cable, no matter how good needs some settling and or breakin time.
Can you tell what cables you are using, from the Top of the chain to the speaker cables

Odin from tonearm to speakers. I had a premature-eject as you can see from my post above (patience grasshopper is the word ;)). I am much more optimistic.
Can you tell what cables you are using, from the Top of the chain to the speaker cables
I also run 4 Odin power cords (2.5m) for the phono pre, main pre and both mono blocks. I'm hearing potential with the speaker cables but clarity/transparency is not where it needs to be yet. Fingers crossed.
So I listened to a mix of vinyl, 15 ips Reel tape and digital until 4:00 AM. I then put a CD on repeat with the volume up a bit until just an hour ago. I have to admit, the cables have come a long way since last night. The MIT and Odin are very similar in tonal balance (so far)...both being very neutral. My initial impressions...Odin seems to have a bit more hard edge on the bass (a good thing for my well damped room) and a bit more presence in the high frequency range. Detail retrieval is very similar. This can of course change with more time, but I am seeing myself more likely to keep the Odin and perhaps sell the MIT. That's it for now.
So I listened to a mix of vinyl, 15 ips Reel tape and digital until 4:00 AM. I then put a CD on repeat with the volume up a bit until just an hour ago. I have to admit, the cables have come a long way since last night. The MIT and Odin are very similar in tonal balance (so far)...both being very neutral. My initial impressions...Odin seems to have a bit more hard edge on the bass (a good thing for my well damped room) and a bit more presence in the high frequency range. Detail retrieval is very similar. This can of course change with more time, but I am seeing myself more likely to keep the Odin and perhaps sell the MIT. That's it for now.

It will probably open up some more tomorrow. They're fairly close though?
This will be my ODIN ROOM
With Focal / Krell amps

And look the AC Panel
Wow...a clean slate to do what you want. Is that a balanced power transformer ? Any issue with local electrical codes ? looks great Nelson.
It's a client's Room actually, All wires are NORDOST ODIN and filtering with QR4
The Speakers and Amps were bought with the help of an AS friend and dealer.
We don't have Focal/ Krell Dealers in Dominican Republic.

All equipments will be installed with Stillpoins Ultra 5

Developing Pictures starting next week
