Beauties! But where do they sit in the line? To replace Cremona? Between Cremona and Futura or between Futura and Aida? Any idea of MSRP? Size/dimensions?
Thanks. I'm still wondering where it "fits" in their already rather crowded line. They need something in between the Futura and Aida IMO more than they need yet another new line.
I agree it's getting a little crowded in there, but I assume the Toy line will be entirely replaced by the Venere line (a shame), the Liuto line will probably be dropped altogether (tricky price segment, plus they were never really that popular), and the Olympica line will, as you say, more than likely be placed below the Aida... We will find out soon!
I can see these images fine I on windows 7, others I can't
Olympica II