ModWright Oppo BDP-105

This oppo fever is making me loose my sleep. After reading a lot of happy customers, I finally ordered one, 105d with all the extras. But won't be arriving until late this July. I'm going to need more Ativan to calm me down and sleep good at night. Can't stop thinking about it.

Jeff...I will follow your tube rolling experience. Never own a tube gear before. Excited to try one.

Shopping for a tube preamp too.

Congratulations Ron! I look forward to hearing your impressions. I had never owned tube gear either until I purchased the ModWright Oppo 95, and now 105. I love the sound that having tubes has imparted on my system, and I don't ever see myself going back. Solid state amps with tube preamp is a great way to go!
Congratulations Ron! I look forward to hearing your impressions. I had never owned tube gear either until I purchased the ModWright Oppo 95, and now 105. I love the sound that having tubes has imparted on my system, and I don't ever see myself going back. Solid state amps with tube preamp is a great way to go!

Thank you Jeff...I have procrastinated for so long, I'm glad, I finally pull the trigger. Good to hear that you are loving your mod 105d. I see you also got their pre amp/ls100. How your eval so far?
Thank you Jeff...I have procrastinated for so long, I'm glad, I finally pull the trigger. Good to hear that you are loving your mod 105d. I see you also got their pre amp/ls100. How your eval so far?

I really like the ModWright LS100 preamp. Same tube compliment as the MW 95/105. I have the optional phono preamp module which uses 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes, and honestly is a killer phono stage for the added $$ if you are interested in spinning records. You can choose it or an optional modular DAC which is also very nice sounding and just about equal to the MW95 when I heard them together. I love the sound - very full bodied, dynamic, extended, with a very seductive midrange. It is a single ended design and not fully balanced, which is something I'm considering for a longer term preamp as I have a long (30') run of balanced cables from preamp to amps. There are a couple of other minor changes that I'd like to see with it that I'm hoping Dan Wright will incorporate into his next design. From a sound perspective overall I would rate it much better than a McIntosh C2300 for example which I have heard on several occasions. If you can get a hold of one Ron I highly recommend an audition.
Jeff... I'm not ready to spin tables but it may happen in the near future. My listening with solid state gears has reached plateau. Thus exploring tube gears. I'm taking the baby step here.

I have no experience with tube preamp at least in my room. I demoed few high end tube preamp at my local dealer (in the 20k range) which I really like but wanted to stay at 10k for my first tube preamp. I may try your direction with MW but let see what happens next after my MW Oppo arrives.
After 3 grueling hours of setting up and reconfiguring my system to accommodate my MW 105d, all I can say is worth all the effort. MW 105d is one source to have. It will replace my oppo 95 and my beloved sony 5400es. I just needed a longer umbilical cord, which is on order. Sadly, I have to hide the power unit, that blue power light bothers me. It's too sharp for my eyes.

I wonder how long does it take to totally burn in the stock tubes? It's My first tube gear and learning the ropes. Although, I have ordered tubes upgrade for both the player and power supply per Dan recommendation.

So far, Just after an hour of listening via oppo USB and c50 combo pre, it's all good. I couldn't agree more with and the other owners who posted their experience here, specially Jeff, JJinID.

I'm back to listening again. And tonight I will try the blue ray.

Will follow up when upgrade tubes arrives. Oh...I need a tube pre amp to match it. Please share me your thoughts and recommendation.:heart::yahoo1:
Finally, my long over due impression on MW oppo105d is nothing but impressive. After upgrading to MW recommended tubes, this player turn into a "magic" musical machine. It kept me listening for hours with out fatigue. I can't believe a tube gear can transform my music to more enjoyable feeling. The flavor of every note is mesmerizing! I can go on and on here but to make it short, it's an incredible improvement to my music and it's the heart and soul of my system for now.

Dan Wright and his team at Modwright has done a fantastic job with the oppo 105d upgrade. I'm very thankful of discovering this here at AS.

On the side note...I would like to thank Jeff,JJinID, for his advice and support on my MW venture to be smooth as possible. I learned a lot from Jeff about tweaks on tube and other stuff that I never thought it would improve my music. Incredible guy and a real gentleman. Really happy to know you here Jeff!:heart::hey:
Jeff... I'm not ready to spin tables but it may happen in the near future. My listening with solid state gears has reached plateau. Thus exploring tube gears. I'm taking the baby step here.

I have no experience with tube preamp at least in my room. I demoed few high end tube preamp at my local dealer (in the 20k range) which I really like but wanted to stay at 10k for my first tube preamp. I may try your direction with MW but let see what happens next after my MW Oppo arrives.

Ron when you get use to noise free music with the MW 105 you will not be able to listend to ( popcorn ) vinyl.:)
Ron when you get use to noise free music with the MW 105 you will not be able to listend to ( popcorn ) vinyl.:)

Andre... So true about the noise free music with MW 105d but would like to try the "pop corn" sound from vinyls someday.
I would like to know that as well.

Did you get the basic tube upgrade or did you go all out for the additional optional music rail upgrade to .

Per my invoice, I paid extra for Bybee Rail Mod and Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX. I don't know what they are but it was recommended by Dan at MWI. If these two upgrades are what making the new oppo105d sings and perform like's worth the money.

But the tube upgrades made it more warmer sounding and sweeter. The texture of my music now is full. Unlike my sony 5400es, sounded good but sterile, non-life like. This is my impression on the tubes upgrade after putting 240hours on them. They are very good for my first tube experience.