JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Great news Randy. I am so glad you are happy. Do you have a link the the Rothwells? I am curious.

My pair shipped today so probably next week they should get here. As to your observation, probably a little of both. When I had that issue before with the STP and DACs that allowed it I turned down the gain on the DAC. That still wan't enough with the JOB and any other preamp, thus the reason for ordering the Rothwells. Would like the option of keeping the tube preamp in the loop.
Took about two weeks to arrive for me, but one week after I got the e-mail that the order was complete. Came in the through the postal service.
Dam the STP-SE is really starting to smooth out.... and it still has a long way to go... it is really sounding good... and oh my God, that is the best I have ever heard a sound stage and image... pretty amazing... I can see why the Job and the W4S are rated so high and Giant Killers!!! Of course the sweet KEF that can play that wonderful sound stage back :)....
The Rothwells arrived. Seems to give a lot more control of the lower volume range, can move many more clicks without it getting too loud. Where 17 was feeling rather loud now it is about 28 or so. Definitely better. I have only listened to a couple songs but i don't hear any deterioration in SQ, but simply just more low level control.

The dynamics seem quite substantial... very soft passages are soft and then something hits and it is like holy crap, get me a new pair of pants... now I don't know if this is because I have had the pre-amp running for the past two days pretty straight while working and sleeping, etc., or that the Rothwells allow the volume to no longer be set in the basement of it's range, giving the pre-amp a chance to breath a little????????????????


From what I understand the STP-SE is passive at and below 63 on the dial and active at 64 and above. So opening up the range a little is obviously a good thing.

From what I understand the STP-SE is passive at and below 63 on the dial and active at 64 and above. So opening up the range a little is obviously a good thing.

Randy, you might want to give the guys at Wyred a call - or drop in for a chat since you're local - and ask what they feel is the minimum and optimal volume settings. If you find that the Rothwells are not providing adequate attenuation, a variable attenuator would enable you to get the volume on the STP to pretty much anywhere you needed it to be. For that matter, it would enable you to experiment with the STP in both passive and active modes to see which you preferred. I know when I got the Wyred gear into the sweet spot for gain things sounded dramatically better than when I was forced to operate at the low end of the volume settings.
Sounds like a plan. The Rothwells will definitely help. From what I have read a pre-amp usually sounds better when it is being ran with the volume up a little. Being too close to either extreme most pre-amps struggle.

If the active does not kick in until the 60s I will never ever run it out of the passive mode :)...
I have an AudioQuest power cord arriving today that I will put on the Job and move the W4S one over to the REL. I think that should finish it all up for now :).... I am sure other things will come up, but for now I think it should all be pretty solid... can't afford a sweet cord now, but I think the AQ will get me very close to that sweet spot.
A friend convinced me to build a music server out of a computer rather than my Surface. Since I have been using my laptop as my main computer I rebuilt my Falcon Northwest Tiki as a high end music server. I tried using the Surface as control unit. It worked but was a pain in that every time one of the two rebooted I had to drag a monitor out, so I installed the 28" Asus 4k monitor on top of the rack. The nice thing is my Logitech 5"x5" touch pad can control the entire thing from across the room....

Looking great Randy. I love the incremental upgrades and seeing how you really take everything to the next level. Well done!
Thank you sir.... it is both hair pulling and fun at the same time.... absolutely loving the system though, and really is that not what it is all about :)....
Absolutely, it's such an amazing feeling to find a great combination that sounds great together. And, even better when you realize the gear itself is not priced in the stratosphere.

Thank you sir.... it is both hair pulling and fun at the same time.... absolutely loving the system though, and really is that not what it is all about :)....
God this pre-amp is really smoothing out, almost 100 hours in I would say... the Job and the W4S are really playing nice together..... and the KEFs are just plain loving it... that simple!
Added a Furman Power Conditioner today. Figure it has to be better than the Monster Power Station power strip....