Just had a quick question. With the JOBs preamp coming around the corner I really think JOB 225 is super transparent. I had the Oppo 105 hooked straight to the JOB 225 recently and today tried the irDAC from Arcam with the Sonos connect and the sound is really different. warmer, more musical and soundstage is alot wider and airier. Although I love the irDAC mids and high and prefer it over the sabre dac on the oppo, (clearly better in my ears) I do miss
the bass of the oppo. It simply had more weight. (just on the bass department)
My question is, with the Job 225 preamp around the corner, can a preamp make the bass tighter and add more weight?
I hooked up both irDAC and oppo straight to the Job 225 when i was doing A/B. Was using oppo as a preamp and now using the Sonos line in to control volume.
Only if the JOBs preamp can add more weight to the bass and make it tighter, id recommend this set up to anyone... I KNOW its not the JOB 225 thats lacking in bass, because I clearly heard diffrence when changing dacs ONLY. Job is just super transparent itll play what you feed it as accurately as possible imho.
Can anyone tell me if the preamp can make the sound different/add more weight to the bass and make it fuller and tighter? (any preamp for that matter)
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