Jeff aka A/V Solutions system

Isn't that from Daniel from Germany? Looks different than from mine, must be his latest invention.




Yes, the Uni-Protractor.....Daniel designed another one called the SmartTractor, same principle but I find its a bit easier to set up and use. I've compared the SmartTractor to my Uni-Protractor and both have identical results. The SmartTractor also has the Uni-Din geometry.
Changes again with rear room out with the recent new diffusors and in with the new diffusors, the previous one's had things I didn't care for like the sides being warped, I had to install screws on all four corners because they didn't use enough wood glue and the tops were loose and didn't line up, the dado cuts they did for the internal panels should have been glued in place but were not and they rattled and didn't line up either and the press board with the laminate was crap, must have been made on a Monday and just a big let down......done with the rant LOL!! The new one's are 24"x24" so decided to go with six, two rows of three placed in the center with half rounds on both sides......still wanted more so I re-did the layout and ended up alternating diffusors and half rounds, even better sound wise than the previous layout. The new diffusors are made ten times better than the others, the new one's being all plywood and everything is glued :), sanded and ready for paint or stain which I will do at a later time.

differ02.JPG diffuser01.JPG diffuser03.JPG diffuser04.JPG
nice Jeff !!! how much money i need to spend to hang out in your room for a whole day?? lol!!!
Very cool Jeff. I purchased an XTC Analyzer Pro to measure my room. Once my gear comes in and I take some measurements, I'll be giving you a call. :)

Just so I'm clear though, what brand diffusor is that on the wall now?
Very cool Jeff. I purchased an XTC Analyzer Pro to measure my room. Once my gear comes in and I take some measurements, I'll be giving you a call. :)

Just so I'm clear though, what brand diffusor is that on the wall now?

Its a company called ATS
Thanks. Wasn't sure whether ATS is the one that got replaced or this one hanging up. Thanks for clarifying.
Very cool Jeff. I purchased an XTC Analyzer Pro to measure my room. Once my gear comes in and I take some measurements, I'll be giving you a call. :)

Just so I'm clear though, what brand diffusor is that on the wall now?

Allen, when you learn how to do all those measurements, fly down here and do mine :hi:
Allen, when you learn how to do all those measurements, fly down here and do mine :hi:

LOL! I keep threatening David that I'll come visit his Audiophile Candyland one day. If that happens, I can certainly stop by for a visit!:)
Can't be that good, Daniel has not put Stevenson on his choices :exciting:

Guess I will have to stick with the Uni tractor and the Mint when lazy.

Seriously, the new one looks a little easier to use if you have multiple non Stevenson alignments to use.


haha......yes a bit quicker and use :)
A few shots of the Arch'e head shell......currently have the Cadenza Black installed but thinking of putting my Cadenza mono on and make this the mono rig.

archeheadshellcadenza.JPG archeheadshellcadenza2.JPG archeheadshellfeickert.JPG
That looks great Jeff. Steve's gonna be jealous!

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gonna be jealous!!!! already am!! i love that whole setup, feikert/black/arche!!!!

sweet Jeff cant wait to hear an oppinion on that headshell.