Jeff aka A/V Solutions system

A/V Solutions

Apr 4, 2013
My place to decompress from life twists and turns......

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You have created a stunning setup. Welcome to AS!
Thats a pretty hard act to follow Jeff, congrats on putting a stellar room together.
Jeff, that room is incredible! Just don't pull a Howard Hughes on us where you don't come out of the room for months at a time.... :)
Fridge outside so you don't hear it, and yes +1 to a bathroom.

You'd never have to leave.

For those that have not had a chance to visit, it is a superb room. Really well done; a lot of TLC went into the creation of that space.

And Jeff is a mad man with his what appears to be 248 turntables... :)
Fridge outside so you don't hear it, and yes +1 to a bathroom.

You'd never have to leave.

For those that have not had a chance to visit, it is a superb room. Really well done; a lot of TLC went into the creation of that space.

And Jeff is a mad man with his what appears to be 248 turntables... :)

Thanks -E- we will covert you yet ;)
Beautiful and tight.

I need an air conditioner like that - who makes it? And who makes the diffuser panels on your front wall? Nice!