Jeff aka A/V Solutions system

OMG! Love those 1940 RCA's. Great selections Jeff. The Treasures are really nice looking in person. When my VAC phi200's arrive, my first combo will be Gold Lion reissue KT88's and Sylvania CHS VT-231 6SN7's. After that, all Treasures. After that, GL or Treasure KT88's and RCA 6SN7. What are you mixing and matching?

Do you have a tube tester like the MaxiMatch?

Tubes rule.
Vinyl rules.
The big bottles are for the Bia120......the Tele's are for the V1 positions in the Callisto and V5 positions in the Rhea with a few extra's for a rainy day. The RCA 6SN7/231 are for the Atlas mono's but have a few others arriving shortly to give a try, also the Callisto uses them in the V4 position so I will try them there too.....The Valvo red label are one of my favorites 6922 and may use them in the V3 position of the Callisto but have others to try there also. The RT 6922 are really nice, same tube as the Amperex PQ but made in France which I'll see if I can find a place for them. The Callisto power supplies uses EL34 and many tell me the Mullards are fantastic there so I will go with that for now, thankfully its only four as them suckers are expensive.......those arrive later in the week.

If you get the courage try the Tung-Sol 6SN7.....pricey but many claim them to be one of the best, hype or real deal I don't no!! :)

I have a Hickok 600 tester but with many of these older models is that it doesn't test the tubes at a real world operating voltages which is the shortfall with the big bottle tubes.....I've been in touch with Peter Toms of Maxi-Match and thinking of going with the Maxi-Matcher II and Max-Preamp II w/adapters.....the Maxi-Matcher II does real world voltages for the biggies which I'm looking for. The other tester is the Amplitrex AT1000 I'm thinking serious about, does a few more types of tubes but a few bucks more......
I bought both MaxiMatchers FWIW. They are arriving soon. I like their price point and features.
Wow nice selection!!!! Jeff curious about your snappers. You once told me you use tung sol
In them. But was that just the el34's? Do you use anything special for the 7044? The 2 I have in mine have never been replaced and look like the originals, I'm guessing because they are so hard to find.
And does the front position 12at7 make much of a difference if I change them out.
I have a couple different types but nothing special. I'd like to change out all the tubes on both of them. Thanks!! And best of luck rolling all those tubes , sounds like fun!!!
Wow nice selection!!!! Jeff curious about your snappers. You once told me you use tung sol
In them. But was that just the el34's? Do you use anything special for the 7044? The 2 I have in mine have never been replaced and look like the originals, I'm guessing because they are so hard to find.
And does the front position 12at7 make much of a difference if I change them out.
I have a couple different types but nothing special. I'd like to change out all the tubes on both of them. Thanks!! And best of luck rolling all those tubes , sounds like fun!!!

Yes I have Tung-Sol and the stock one's....the TS are more to my liking but the stock are good too.

Don't screw around with the 7044.....not many choices anyway. The 6900 or 5687 have the same pin configuration but spec out differently plus they told me to keep what they choose, so I do.....the other small pin tube (input) in the latest version uses a 12ax7 which I have instead of the 12at7 which were the earlier version amps like yours and I've swapped a bunch in that position but really not any difference from tube to tube.....I would assume the results would be the same for all versions. The EL34 are the one's to change if your looking for a flavor change. I'm happy with the TS and stock one's myself.
Today was equipment day house keeping.....I removed every power cord, IC and speaker cables and cleaned every connector along with the connections on the gear, I always use Kontak, have been for many years and it does a fantastic job, leaves no residue and doesn't muck the sound up like some others do. I also decided to move some pieces around within the equipment stands, I needed to locate one of the TT to another stand to accommodate a few of the new pieces of gear I've acquired recently......anyway here is the latest configuration but I'm sure it will change :)

newroom0001.JPG newroom0002.JPG