How's it going Eh?:)


Senior Member
May 19, 2013
Hello All!.......i see so many familiar faces...Bob, Mike, Joe, Andre..............good to see you! and to those i dont know........well i hope to know you as well :) ....i am Michael(Volks) from Calgary, Alberta, Canada....Eh?:)

Kinda funny how i found this forum .....buddy of mine were arguing about which sharks attack man( yup thats what we were actually arguing about lol) anyway....i dunno if its cause the search engine has so many hits on audio on my computer ,but when we typed in Man eating sharks ...the last link was this site Audioshark lol.........well i just had to click on it and im glad i did :)

Ive been into Audio in some way or another since i was 12(the original Sony Walkman).....when i was in Junior High and HS i used to charge $2-$3-$4 to record Tapes for people $2 for a Normal tape and $3 for Chrome and $4 for Metal. I saved up over $1500! and guess what i did with went straight to Audio Gear right?....WRONG!....i went to Disney World and spent it all LOL:)

Anyway i love music....mostly Classic Rock/Heavy Metal and some Jazz.....My Audio gear is mostly Mcintosh and Mcintosh speakers......Mike actually really helped me last Nov/Dec in putting me in touch with Audio Classics when i wanted to upgrade to the MCD1100 and Mc speakers(Thank you again Mike!)

Its great to be here and i hope to share life/happiness/knowledge and Audio chats with you i will all leave you with part of a song that is fitting for the name of this site:

Bobby Darin-Mack the Knife! :)

Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
And he keeps it … ah … out of sight.

Ya know when that shark bites, with his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, though, wears old MacHeath, babe
So there’s nevah, nevah a trace of red........Lalalalalala :)
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Hello All!.......i see so many familiar faces...Bob, Mike, Joe, Andre..............good to see you! and to those i dont know........well i hope to know you as well :) ....i am Michael(Volks) from Calgary, Alberta, Canada....Eh?:)

Kinda funny how i found this forum .....buddy of mine were arguing about which sharks attack man( yup thats what we were actually arguing about lol) anyway....i dunno if its cause the search engine has so many hits on audio on my computer ,but when we typed in Man eating sharks ...the last link was this site Audioshark lol.........well i just had to click on it and im glad i did :)

Ive been into Audio in some way or another since i was 12(the original Sony Walkman).....when i was in Junior High and HS i used to charge $2-$3-$4 to record Tapes for people $2 for a Normal tape and $3 for Chrome and $4 for Metal. I saved up over $1500! and guess what i did with went straight to Audio Gear right?....WRONG!....i went to Disney World and spent it all LOL:)

Anyway i love music....mostly Classic Rock/Heavy Metal and some Jazz.....My Audio gear is mostly Mcintosh and Mcintosh speakers......Mike actually really helped me last Nov/Dec in putting me in touch with Audio Classics when i wanted to upgrade to the MCD1100 and Mc speakers(Thank you again Mike!)

Its great to be here and i hope to share life/happiness/knowledge and Audio chats with you i will all leave you with part of a song that is fitting for the name of this site:

Bobby Darin-Mack the Knife! :)

Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
And he keeps it … ah … out of sight.

Ya know when that shark bites, with his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, though, wears old MacHeath, babe
So there’s nevah, nevah a trace of red........Lalalalalala :)

Welcome.jpg To this great forum Volks
Michael... Hello & Welcome to AudioShark!!!

Glad You Found Us!!!

Welcome to AS Michael!!:hi:

Glad you found us in an unusual way..:D
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Thank you again everyone!..... just waking up over on this side of the world its 6:15am (im visiting the Philippines)
Thank you again everyone!..... just waking up over on this side of the world its 6:15am (im visiting the Philippines)

Then there is a 12 hours difference with Canada , doesn't matter i'm retired so i never check the time or the date , i go to bed when i want where i want and with who i want , only my wife can complain.:)