Class-D amps


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
The other day I removed the REF250's from the mid/highs and tried just my ARC DS450M's on my speakers and it was a real different sound. Tight, punchy, with a sharp definition, but with a rather flat soundstage. I wasn't entirely sure I liked was different from the beautiful slight bloomy midrange I'm used to and musicality of tubes.

I certainly like the gobs of power and small foot print of Class-D. It has lots of potential. It got me to thinking.....are there any good Class-D amps out there or even any Class-D hybrid amps anyone has heard and liked?

I am really enjoying my spectron musician 3, which I got for my Gallos but like even more through my Zu Omens. 600W into 8 ohms! Nice to have that headroom and pulls just 60w when idle, very efficient.
The other day I removed the REF250's from the mid/highs and tried just my ARC DS450M's on my speakers and it was a real different sound. Tight, punchy, with a sharp definition, but with a rather flat soundstage. I wasn't entirely sure I liked was different from the beautiful slight bloomy midrange I'm used to and musicality of tubes.

I certainly like the gobs of power and small foot print of Class-D. It has lots of potential. It got me to thinking.....are there any good Class-D amps out there or even any Class-D hybrid amps anyone has heard and liked?


I've tried the Ice amps via Bel Canto and Wyred 4 Sound. Devialet's Hybrid Class A and D and most recently a DIY Ncore amplifier. Of those I preferred the Ncore the most but would still prefer a well implemented Class A or Class A/B amplifier.
Mike, I had a Wyred amp that I ran direct to their DAC2 for awhile. While I could appreciate the coolness factor, as in cool to the touch, and the fact that it drew very little electricity, it just didn't have the musical features that I like. The beautiful midrange and sparkle you get from tubes just wasn't there. I don't think that Class-D is there yet to compete with A or AB.
I've been saying this for a while, tube pre plus class D is a great mix. The control of class D plus the euphorics from a tube pre give you the best of both worlds, IMO of course.
Thanks. I'm wondering about brands. Has any one company got a lead on Class-D technology?

NuForce perhaps?

I've heard the Merrill Audio Veritas Monos and both times they had a huge soundstage, seemed very fast, but a bit lean for my taste. Could have been more the speakers than the amp - hard to tell.

I think Nick (veindoc) tried the twins (stereo version) on his TADs. Maybe he will chime in.
If Anthem ever irons out the bugs of the M1's, they could be a home run. Unlimited power! 2000 watts/channel into 4ohms.

And reasonably priced too!
Are the TAD amps Class-D or am I thinking of something else?

One of the TADs is Class D, but forget which one.

The prior generation of Rowland amps are also class D, I think including the Continuum integrated.
It's such a different sound. Very hard to put your finger on it exactly. The DS450M's on just the bass is excellent. Not sure I like them anywhere else.

But it did get me thinking about advancements in Class-D and who is the present day leader.
I've heard a few and I liked the Merrill's a lot, but with a tubed front end (something like a Dude would be great I think). They are not cheap though. All class D is not created equal and the progression toward better sound is changing rapidly. The last gen class D's can't stand up to the current, newer ones.
I've heard a few and I liked the Merrill's a lot, but with a tubed front end (something like a Dude would be great I think). They are not cheap though. All class D is not created equal and the progression toward better sound is changing rapidly. The last gen class D's can't stand up to the current, newer ones.

Thanks Bob. That's exactly what I'm thinking. Class-D is also ripe for combining with a preamp and DAC - all-in-one. It's certainly is interesting and perhaps the future.

I actually remember when SS was first coming into popularity and the first reactions were similar to Class-D now. It will get better, no doubt and hopefully one day sound better than SS. Will it ever sound better than tubes? I have my doubts....but hope one day it can. Believe me, slugging around 150 pound SS amps is no fun. These little Class-D amps are super powerful and light. Imagine a great sounding, super powerful amp, which runs cold the size of a step up transformer? Nice.
Hi Mike,

I know you are a Classe fan so it might interest you that Classe had a proto type Class D amplifier at our recent Music Matters event. It was hooked up to the B&W Nautilus speakers and my friend was really impressed with the sound. When he asked which amplifier was being used, it turned out it was a proto type amplifier Classe was working on that was Class D. I"m not sure which Class D implementation they are using.
Hi Mike,

I know you are a Classe fan so it might interest you that Classe had a proto type Class D amplifier at our recent Music Matters event. It was hooked up to the B&W Nautilus speakers and my friend was really impressed with the sound. When he asked which amplifier was being used, it turned out it was a proto type amplifier Classe was working on that was Class D. I"m not sure which Class D implementation they are using.

Very cool! Thanks for sharing.
hey Mike, I have tried some truly notable models: TADm2500, Rowland 525, and Merrill veritas with my Pass XP-20 and TAD cr-1. I know my speakers do have special needs to truly thrive but all three of these class D were fine, quiet, tight bass but sound stage and musicality just did not compare to any of the class A or AB amps. Just not even close for my particular setup.
The Arion Harmony amps use a tube front end and class D out, they sound great, much like the Rogue Medusa, both neutral in a good sense.

Glad you started this thread. I still have the ARC DS450 driving the Salon 2s. As you may remember, I was considering getting the DS450Ms to replace the stereo version. I continue to lean towards the Pass. Just need to pull the trigger.
