Hi Bryan - I'm actually very happy that you're interested enough to ask! But you are probably 10 steps ahead of me. A little background will definitely help.
First, what started out as a search for a speaker that will work in my family room, has turned both my systems upside down and has caused me to really think about music, my love for music, my passion for music and the deep way music affects me personally.
A little background: I purchased a pair of Revel Studio 2's for my Family Room after selling the SF Guarnari Mementos. The Mementos were wonderful little speakers, but they were not a fit for a space with is 15 x 45 and 12 foot ceilings. The Studio 2's are magnificent speakers (especially for the money), but they were not a good fit at all in my family room. They need to be out from the wall a piece and had a tough time imaging (imaging was a big step down from the Mementos - but it was because of my room - NOT the speakers). The Revel Studio 2's are terrific in my main room. But since they don't work downstairs, they have been SOLD.
I went to Toronto in July. I spent a few days traveling from one high end shop to another. I listened to as many things as I could: Focal, Vienna Acoustics, Joseph Audio, Raidho, Magico, Vandersteen and many others. I was searching for a speaker that would work in my family room. There was one speaker that was so different, so advanced, so incredible sounding, I just had to have it. The Raidho D1. I immediately purchased a pair. Got them home and they worked wonders in my Family room. Imaging was there in spades. Bass was impressive too. The more I listened to them, the more I wondered what they would sound like upstairs on the big system. Up the stairs they went. I immediately began experimenting. Amps. Preamps. Cables. Sources. The little D1's were exceeding my expectations in every way. As I ran through my test tracks, I was hearing music the way I wanted to hear it. The sound was so different - I became extremely interested in Raidho. I had heard of them from friends (Bob - Vintage Tube, Jon, etc.) - but I had never heard them myself - until now.
I began to listen to the D1's more than any other speaker in my house. I found myself going into what I call the "music zone". It's a very personal place, but eyes closed, I am "there". I am feeling what the musicians feel. I am emotionally connected. I began to wonder, "if the D1's are this good, how much better would the D3's be? OR would I lose some of the D1 magic?" Well...nothing ventured, nothing gained!
So, I quickly sold the D1's to a Doctor fellow (super nice guy) and pulled together the funds for D3's. Order placed. Now I wait. We shall see.
Bryan - I am discovering that their is a real shift from warm, colored gear to high resolution, dynamic gear. I am not exactly sure which side I come down on. I find that the uncolored, high resolution, dynamic sound is capable of allowing me to get into the musical zone. But I truly enjoy both. More listening is required!
When I asked Lars why this was the case, he said, "take a look at your iPhone. It is smooth to the touch. It has beautiful smooth edges. Nothing sticks out. When we color sound, things stick out and our brains have to work hard to fill in the missing pieces or to figure out why something sounds different than it should." Interesting. I'm still digesting it!
But your logic as it relates to the D'Agostino amps is bang on....and exactly in line of how I'm thinking too. But, I may end up with something completely different....but resale probabilities are important. I guess if I end up buying the Audionet gear, they will be burying it with me.

That's one way to get me to hang on to gear for a while. Buy the stuff no one else would!
I am off to Boston next week for the Raidho/Audionet presentation. We shall see. I also want to hear D'Agostino and D3's, Soulution and D3's and most importantly, attend RMAF to see what else is out there I might like.