ARC REF 10 (Audio Research Reference 10) (mini) Review


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Well, I have had my Audio Research Reference 10 and I am fast approaching the magical 600 hour mark. I can honestly say, it is one of the single best audio purchases I have ever made.

In the beginning, the ARC REF 10 had some good days and average days (but never bad days) as it was breaking in. Sometimes, I could literally hear it hit the next level in performance, I would click over to the hours meter and see "103" - and know that the ARC manual was right. At about 100 hours something did happen. It's quite amazing to be honest how gear - especially tube gear - has to break in.

After about 450 hours, the preamp rarely had any more "average" days and sonically produced fabulous music every time I turned it on. The ability of the preamp to be seamlessly transparent from top to bottom, with such lucidity and resolve, is just amazing. Fed a good source (such as DSD or Vinyl), the REF 10 has the ability to provide three-dimentional imaging like no other preamp I have heard. The ARC REF 10 also truly lacks any coloration and provides an outstanding degree of punch, speed and articulation. The REF 10 resolves timbres in such a way, that acoustic guitar, piano and voices sounded more real than with any other preamp I've had in my system.

Overall, at the magical 600 hour mark, the REF 10 has exceeded my wildest expectations of what a preamp can do in a system. I am certainly now, more than ever, a believer in the value of a great preamp and a believer in the new wave of ARC gear - which to me - sounds richer, fuller and more realistic in timber than with previous ARC preamps I've heard - and come to think of it - any other preamp I've heard.

If there ever was a piece of reference gear the REF10 has to be one. What is amazing is how such an old company, as far as audio is concerned, continues to push the envelope with their products, not only in sound quality but in terms of style and technology. I could see myself having an all ARC system in the future and being happy for many years.

Mike, have you owned any of their other preamps?
If there ever was a piece of reference gear the REF10 has to be one. What is amazing is how such an old company, as far as audio is concerned, continues to push the envelope with their products, not only in sound quality but in terms of style and technology. I could see myself having an all ARC system in the future and being happy for many years.

Mike, have you owned any of their other preamps?

Yes. ARC REF 3. Had it paired with a Mc 352 amp. Nice sound!
Congrats on a truly "Reference" preamp, I'm glad you're so happy with your ARC system !! And those crappy speakers you have...........lmao !!
I looked for an emote equivalent to drooling, would have used it HERE ... I've heard nothing but great things about ARC. Hell, I'll be jumping up and down if I can pull off a LS27. I can't image what the ref 10 must sound like. A big congrats Mike.
I looked for an emote equivalent to drooling, would have used it HERE ... I've heard nothing but great things about ARC. Hell, I'll be jumping up and down if I can pull off a LS27. I can't image what the ref 10 must sound like. A big congrats Mike.

Thanks! I've stopped reading about other preamps....I'm D....maybe. :). A friend of mine has the LS27 and loves it.
Mike have you ever run your REF10 with your DS450's without the REF250's in the mix? I'm just wondering how their tube pre's work with their non-tubed amps.
Mike have you ever run your REF10 with your DS450's without the REF250's in the mix? I'm just wondering how their tube pre's work with their non-tubed amps.

Actually, no. I've been meaning to try it. I will and let you know. I had the ARC REF 10 with the Classe CA2300 and Pass XA160.5 and it was excellent with the Pass. I didn't love the Classe-ARC combo. It sounded ok....but just a bit of a mismatch. With the Pass on the other hand, it sounded exceptionally good.
Mike...congrats! It's obviously a statement preamp and I hope it graces your system for many years to come. On trying it with just the DS450s, I would venture a guesss that you will lose a bit of the magic in terms of tonal color density, image 3dness and a bit of staging 3dness. I don't think you will hear much difference in terms of resolution or dynamics. My guess is by taking the 250s out you will just get a bit leaner and bleachier tonal pallette. Of course I am just guessing but it will be interesting to hear your thoughts if you do that experiment.

Congrats again.
That was my guess too Cyril. The 450's are phenomenal for bass - and that's exactly all they do right now.
I gave it a try (DS450M's) and other than the bass, I found it impossible to find one other area where the 450's outdid the 250's. Cymbals were harsh and digital sounding, the soundstage was completely flat. Voices sounded ok, but not as natural with good old tubes! The 250's just sound "real" and the 450's sounded very cold and mechanical.
I gave it a try (DS450M's) and other than the bass, I found it impossible to find one other area where the 450's outdid the 250's. Cymbals were harsh and digital sounding, the soundstage was completely flat. Voices sounded ok, but not as natural with good old tubes! The 250's just sound "real" and the 450's sounded very cold and mechanical.

Wow, that was fast! Thanks for doing that Mike. I guess the REF75 is back in the lead for my ARC amp. :) What was I thinking about when I thought that I could give up on tubes! :blush:
Wow, that was fast! Thanks for doing that Mike. I guess the REF75 is back in the lead for my ARC amp. :) What was I thinking about when I thought that I could give up on tubes! :blush:

Never! Tubes and vinyl forever!
Congrats, Mike, I'm really happy for you! Great to hear when someone finds just that right piece of gear for their system!:audiophile::woot:
That just makes me hungry! :hungry:

btw, what's your Avatar?

LOL! The Devialet. Oh.... The irony! I'm thinking of the Wadia Intuition (like the Devialet) for the family room system. Clean and simple = happy wife. Tubes and vinyl upstairs in the main room.
Congrats, Mike, I'm really happy for you! Great to hear when someone finds just that right piece of gear for their system!:audiophile::woot:

Thanks!! It really is a keeper. If anyone is in Florida - just drop me a line and come on by for a listen!